UFO Lands Next To Mars Rover?

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25 thoughts on “UFO Lands Next To Mars Rover?”

  1. On Mars I found a 19ft vehicle (you can see the sun shining through the green window casting a shadow) and a large metal sphere while scrolling. the vehicle is at 57 23'16.63S 54 20'09.63E if you zoom out just north of it is the ball.

  2. I don’t believe man has ever been outside of our ionosphere or Van Allen belt. The radiation and cosmic rays outside of our magnetosphere would be lethal. I have doubts about the space station as well,unless they have a lead lined room to retreat into during solar storms.

  3. You are being deceptive and dishonest. The images that you show of the square shaft with the two oxidized copper tabs and the drilled hole are from the great pyramid not some supposed tomb of Osiris…
    Of all people, why would you lie???
    What’s the mystery behind your attempted deception???

  4. Your theories are awesome to say the least. But look into the Bucegi Mountains Incident where the team sent there found a domed structure hidden inside the mountain. And inside that dome was a Holographic system so far advanced that it depicted the life of this planet back thousands of years holographically. So if they had that ability couldn't those weird heads have also been Holograms as well? The idea of this I find highly compelling.

  5. I believe there's something to these metal spheres <15:30> Some time ago a family found one by their house, in the woods, in FL. It would follow them around if left or placed on the floor. Ultimatly it was (stolen) switched out by one of the factions of the Alphabet Gang. Aside from that, there are countless reports of these spheres going back to WW2 and referred to as *FOO FIGHTERS.*
    Additionally, in the only video (that Im aware of) (proof) you can see one of these things flying around a field making a crop circle somewhere in England.
    Lastly, These have been reported by pilots numerous incidents.
    I can only wonder if that's the result of some kind of artifact left by cloaking technology, or if that's used as the vehicle to transfer dimensions or into mediums such as space>air>water.
    *WILL WE EVER KNOW THE TRUTH?* Personally I believe in NDEs Near death experiences, as well as DMT Entities. I wish they would generate more answers instead of just more questions.
    *BTW ~THE REAL ALIEN INVASION BEGAN A VERY LONG TIME AGO, WHEN MAN LEFT THE DARK AGES AND INTO THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, AT SOME POINT IT WAS DECIDED TO PUT US ONTO THE FAST TRACK THAT LED US TO WHERE WE ARE NOW, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS AND WILL BE DIRECT CONTACT TO THE ALIEN PRESENCE,* We are at the tipping point and past the point of no return. We have been used as useful idiots to help facilitate semi-synthetic self replication. Humans have been manipulated and coached along to help facilitate this process. We were a necessary step in the process and needed to have a certain degree of free will in order to gain the intelligence needed to match up the hardware with the software. We have the software in our DNA and we have developed the hardware in the form of robotic technology. Like the Terminator and Robocop. If we only knew the level of classified projects in place (out of sight) behind closed doors, we would be shocked!
    (2017) When Elon and hoards of others in the know, went public saying "it has to be stopped!" Little did we know until recently. Last year Linda Molten Howe reported the incident of 3 military assets being developed in Japan. One was able to murder 17 scientists. The exact method (I don't know) but It was reported that they were disassembled but somehow one of them hacked into a satellite to bring itself back online, as they were toiling with the other two the last one killed them all. (it was reported that they thought it was no longer a threat) *SURPRIZE!*
    *THE ALIEN INVASION IS REAL!* It's not manifesting as we humans think, little green men with tractor beams and lasers, THATS SO HUMAN!**
    So, now whats next? Through the elites efforts [The 1%] will assist by helping remove and recycle all 99% of those not in the club. Then, when that milestone has been accomplished, they will be rendered impotent and sterile, no longer able to pro-create then unable to replicate in the most advanced laboratories. They will eventually win the long-game and after 80 years all humans will be just a footnote etched in time. The last living humans will be kept as pets and/or treated like lab rats. Just like we have video footage of the last Tasmanian Tiger. You can see it chained up!


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