Udyr's NEW Voice Lines Explained

It’s time to talk about Udyr’s relationships!





24 thoughts on “Udyr's NEW Voice Lines Explained”

  1. Despite the voiceline leaving a lot of room for interpretation on Udyr and Lee's relationship, the bio is completely devoid of any such hints. I believe the line of Udyr loving twice and leaving twice refers to Kalkia and Sejuani.
    Either this or Udyr's short story will have to heavily confirm the ship with Lee.

  2. I was happy with varus turning out to be gay. Love that character. His story wasn't forced down my throat and i grew to love the character eventually. But it feels uncomfortable if they make the 2 champions i love suddenly gay. I fucking spent a weeks worth of allowance to get spirit guard. And i would appreciate a refund if they stray so much away from a champion i've known for so long.

  3. It feels a lot more like Udyr holds a deep bond with Lee on the same level as Goku and Krillin. I don't see it as sexual, but more a kinship from their martial arts training.
    It COULD be sexual, but Riot did it good by not forcing the concept and instead leaving it up to interpretation like this.

  4. IIRC Spirit guard Udyr is more of a "what if" where he never goes back to the frejord and instead stays in Ionia forever. So in that "what if" he learns how to be much stronger against Volibear's corruption, and of course he acquires new spirits to channel. (That is also why his stances have different animals, because he is actually channeling different spirits instead of the frejordian gods)

  5. I just had an idea. What if the Iron Boar is blessing/"cursing" Olaf that he doesn't die even with the most fatal wounds and from the most brutal battles? Don't know why would he do that, maybe out of pure spite for the Fallow Fox (demigod of death), but it is a really cool concept and can bring more lore to Olaf's invincibility.

  6. I think when you frequently let primordial spirits into your body a blind monk isnt that big of a deal if you catch my drift 😉
    He literally has a "bear" constantly trying to to get him to let loose and give into his desires. If you didnt know "bear" is literally slang for a big burly man in gay slang. The bisexual references have levels in this one. Now that I think about it almost all his stances can be interpreted as queer slang to some capacity. A boar is basically a Pig, which you shouldnt google what that means in gay terminology, and a queer bird is what most people think of as the STEREOTYPICAL gay man. Riot is getting kinky right under their chinese investors noses and I love it 🙂
    OFC im joking

    or am I ?


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