U.S. Biggest Troublemaker of Regional Stability: Vice FM

The United States is the biggest troublemaker of cross-Strait peace and regional stability, said Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu in Beijing on Tuesday in an interview with China Central Television.

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20 thoughts on “U.S. Biggest Troublemaker of Regional Stability: Vice FM”

  1. True, Minister. At last the entire world finally came to realize what we are truly dealing with here and all saw it first hand; global scale Regional Destabilizing Strategies from the very same claiming against it. Severe double-standard advertised and requires forceful resolute in this case. We stand with China

  2. Not the people of America, the government left. The Democratic Party of America, founded by Thomas Jefferson who kept over 600 slaves during his time, are an evil entity fixed on starting WW3. They want another nation to first-strike so that US democrats can easily profit from the great rebuild. China and Russia can see through the democrats and are more intelligent than these old political dinosaurs. The way to win is not global conflict but another strategy taught by the great Chinese general Sun Tzu.

  3. Hey Taiwanese! Previously, you were rich and well developed while Fujianese on the mainland (for comparison since most Taiwanese migrated from Fujian) were poorer and thus prefer to leave the Motherland just like Hong Kongers ( mostly migrated from Southern China) and use all sort of reasons to be independent so as to preserve your wealth and not share with the poorer cousins on the mainland. So the Tools of Trade for this independent wish like Democracy, Freedom, Liberty, Human Rights, Free Press etc marketed by the Anglo Saxons comes in real handy and for your politicians who wish to remain in power forever and be corrupt thru a free wheeling Capitalism model and illegal funds thru NGOs, civil groups etc.

    Now, your cousins in the mainland in the 21st Century are all progressing faster and wealthier by the years and pretty soon will be wealthier than you all, where else, you are still stuck`in a time zone of the 20th Century. And your cousins on the mainland (whether they're called Communists or not) know they have a better Govt., leaders, political system, future, prosperity, peace, security, unity and live harmoniously and are better morally upright, detest corruption, loose morals, civic minded, more educated etc.

    Are you blind to fight your Motherland when it calls for unity and "Reunification" for the sake of a 1 Nation and 1 People to live harmoniously together and prosperity as we step into the 21st Century and for the future generations.

    Are you blind to fall for the Anglo Saxon's and their lapdogs wishes of dividing a Nation and People to maintain their Supremacy over all other people's lands and resources so that everyone remains as serfs and slaves to them like all our previous ancestors and descendants in the past few centuries by using their Tools of Trade for all future generations to come?

    Do you know an Anglo Saxon can't even differentiate who is a Chinese from a Taiwanese or Hong Konger or even from other Asians like the Koreans, Japanese, Singaporeans, Filipinos, Thais, Cambodians, Laotians, Burmese etc which don't have blue eyes or white skins (Asian hate crimes) and thus are generally Racists with their own sense of superiority over others other than among themselves?

    And do you know that China (PRC) also have Autonomous Regions and also practice a 2 systems 1 country principle in respect of people living in those regions so as to ensure better governance needs, localization laws and better harmony?

    So, choose carefully who will be your real Mothers and Motherland (except for politicians, political parties, ideological nuts, religious bigots, corrupted beings etc) for it determines your fate and destiny.

  4. 🇺🇸 US is the only country that provoke wars n create chaos, mass destruction n millions deaths around the world for self gain regardless the peaceful world

  5. China is a big bully with big Territorial plans,the nations in Asia do trade at the mercy of this ideology,PLA never learn from history of China ,the CCP uses torture as a means to the end,creation of debi traps is modus operandi,Chairman Xi Jin Pooh is delusional


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