U.S. Base ATTACKED by Drone Swarm; Iran WARNING to Biden? | Watchman Newscast

On today’s Watchman Newscast, host Erick Stakelbeck breaks down a new drone attack against a U.S. base in eastern Syria. A trio of suicide drones were launched at the Al-Tanf base, which is located near Syria’s borders with Jordan and Iraq. It was the latest in a string of attacks by Iran-backed forces against U.S. interests in the region. With U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan visiting Israel and the Biden administration now saying that the Iran nuclear deal is off the table, is Iran sending a message to the United States with today’s drone barrage? Find out on today’s Watchman Newscast!
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0:00 Introduction – Drone target base in Syria once again.
1:25 Details on the latest drone assault on U.S. forces. Who is to blame?
4:34 Why would they attack now when things have been quiet for so long?
8:23 Closing thoughts of encouragement.


33 thoughts on “U.S. Base ATTACKED by Drone Swarm; Iran WARNING to Biden? | Watchman Newscast”

  1. If, Iran did attack The United States, it would be under Biden's command. He is under investigation and scared. No sir. He would have it done. Why would Iran attack us when Our government hands them lots of money?????? Go talk to God about this.

  2. It's only two or three guys in Iran and if you don't deal with them now by removing them. Then you're going to have problems for years I know they're old but somebody like them will take over. I would say it's better to deal with them now set them back about 10-20 years.

  3. Easy solution to this crap. For every drone Iran sends our way, send an equal number of Cruise missiles at one of their bases in Iran. But that takes balls and those are in short supply in DC!


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