Tyrant Terminator Audits!!! is live!


28 thoughts on “Tyrant Terminator Audits!!! is live!”

  1. Chuck from OH. Police are corrupt. Maybe some aren't but like you said they are not you friends 7:54 when a they want to find a crime even when your plainly not breaking the law . Like ask for your ID just so they can run a check on you to see if you have any warrants. I may go over the speed limit other than that I don't break laws . And not worried if the run my name through their system.

  2. just remember that we have to win because they will go after every one of your children i promise you that everyone's families are being watched through your own electronics, they spy on your children 24/7 you wouldn't believe how big it is and how sick it is. you think police are bad there isn't any videos of the rest of the scum of the earth them ones hide away in a dirty government building doghouse stalking and spying on everyone and making people's children go on killing sprees, character assassinate them as mentally ill, force them into drugs alcohol homelessness and an early grave.

  3. All the law agencies were derived for and from the want to hinder the hued skin tone. Jack Johnson (first blk heavey weight of the world) created the FBI, unbeknownst to him, and as the caller mentioned all local law enforcement was derived for the round up of escaped slaves. FACTs and fax to the server.

  4. This is BS why in the hell is my phone not notifying me when your on and I have it on it’s only happening with you and I have to go to your channel to see if there’s any new post from you and I’m behind because of it

  5. Wsp bro✌🏽It’s me again 🙂
    My old YouTube has been taken down earlier n sh!t Smh😔
    But, this is my new YouTube channel btw😊 I wish I can explain what really happened, but it’s all about positivity 🙂
    Just thought you should know the bad news tho🫤😔


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