types of FEARS

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31 thoughts on “types of FEARS”

  1. (phobias(
    achluophobia fear of darkness
    acrophobia fear of heights
    aerophobia fear of flying
    agoraphobia fear of public spaces or crowds
    aichmophobia fear of needles or pointed objects
    ailurophobia fear of cats
    alektorophobia fear of chickens
    algophobia fear of pain
    amaxophobia fear of riding in a car
    androphobia fear of men
    anginophobia fear of angina or choking
    anthophobia fear of flowers
    anthropophobia fear of people or society
    aphenphosmphobia fear of being touched
    arachnophobia fear of spiders
    arithmophobia fear of numbers
    astraphobia fear of thunder and lightning
    ataxophobia fear of disorder or untidiness
    atelophobia fear of imperfection
    atychiphobia fear of failure
    autophobia fear of being alone
    bacteriophobia fear of bacteria
    barophobia fear of gravity
    bathmophobia fear of stairs or steep slopes
    batrachophobia fear of amphibians
    belonephobia fear of pins and needles
    bibliophobia fear of books
    botanophobia fear of plants
    cacophobia fear of ugliness
    catagelophobia fear of being ridiculed
    catoptrophobia fear of mirrors
    chionophobia fear of snow
    chromophobia fear of colors
    chronomentrophobia fear of clocks
    cibophobia fear of food
    claustrophobia fear of confined spaces
    coulrophobia fear of clowns
    cyberphobia fear of computers
    cynophobia fear of dogs
    dendrophobia fear of trees
    dentophobia fear of dentists
    domatophobia fear of houses
    dystychiphobia fear of accidents
    emetophobia fear of vomiting
    entomophobia fear of insects
    ephebiphobia fear of teenagers
    equinophobia fear of horses
    gamophobia fear of marriage or commitment
    genuphobia fear of knees
    glossophobia fear of speaking in public
    gynophobia fear of women
    heliophobia fear of the sun
    hemophobia fear of blood
    herpetophobia fear of reptiles
    hydrophobia fear of water
    hypochondria fear of illness
    iatrophobia fear of doctors
    insectophobia fear of insects
    koinoniphobia fear of rooms full of people
    leukophobia fear of the color white
    lilapsophobia fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
    lockiophobia fear of childbirth
    mageirocophobia fear of cooking
    megalophobia fear of large things
    melanophobia fear of the color black
    microphobia fear of small things
    mysophobia fear of dirt and germs
    necrophobia fear of death or dead things
    noctiphobia fear of the night
    nosocomephobia fear of hospitals
    nyctophobia fear of the dark
    obesophobia fear of gaining weight
    octophobia fear of the number 8
    ombrophobia fear of rain
    ophidiophobia fear of snakes
    ornithophobia fear of birds
    papyrophobia fear of paper
    paruresis fear of urinating in public places or in the presence of others
    pathophobia fear of disease
    pedophobia fear of children
    philophobia fear of love
    phobophobia fear of phobias
    podophobia fear of feet
    pogonophobia fear of beards
    porphyrophobia fear of the color purple
    pteridophobia fear of ferns
    pteromerhanophobia fear of flying
    pyrophobia fear of fire
    samhainophobia fear of Halloween
    scolionophobia fear of school
    selenophobia fear of the moon
    sociophobia fear of social evaluation
    somniphobia fear of sleep
    tachophobia fear of speed
    technophobia fear of technology
    thalassophobia fear of deep water
    tonitrophobia fear of thunder
    trypanophobia fear of needles or injections
    trypophobia fear of clustered patterns of holes
    venustraphobia fear of beautiful women
    verminophobia fear of germs
    wiccaphobia fear of witches and witchcraft
    xenophobia fear of strangers or foreigners
    zoophobia fear of animals


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