Tyler1 Reacts to Riot's Stupid Jungle Changes

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Vod Timestamp: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1724333523?t=04h01m07s

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33 thoughts on “Tyler1 Reacts to Riot's Stupid Jungle Changes”

  1. Maaan just go back to the time where leaving a small minion prevented the camp from respawning so your jgs invade actually means something for the enemy jg thats spam ganking when he returns to an empty jungle

  2. he has been whining about the game beeing bad ever since he started playing. he says it is dying even tho it never had more money or player base. This is just for content so he can get sponsored to do other stuff.
    Dont fall for this shit people !

  3. riot thinks this will stop me from diving enemy top level 3 every game as elise. I play early game junglers elise, sylas where if you get a successful gank, its way more worth it than camps

  4. Jesus, they already dumpster nerfed (/bug fixed) Rammus into being one of the worst champs in the game (was lowest in wr in the game for a few days), now he's just bottom half, but now they're also nerfing my other 2 favourites, Amumu and Zac… My Xin has already been weak/average for a while.
    Let me guess, Elise and Evelyn nerfs are next cause they're too strong? (which I do kinda admit, they're in a good spot). TIme to look for new mains…

  5. Fiora hits 52% winrate, riot nerfs her passive, removes omnivamp from hydra/maw and nerfs it in goredrinker. They also remove haste from death dance and maw in two weeks. Maokai 55% winrate, udyr 54%, both abusing demonic, both since patch 12.23, and its gonna be like that till patch 13.2b, aka 2 months of them being pick/ban.

  6. xp thing is just in proplay you see a fking 30 min game, 0 0 0 no kills whatsoever top lvl 18 , mid 16, jungle full clearing farming, taxing 14.
    there are no solobolo 15 kills by ganking.
    xp inside the jungle is legit just terrible

  7. The only possible explanation here is that they are purposely making the game worse so that people switch to one of their other games. They are going next guys, there's no way they actually think these kinds of changes will have a positive impact on the game.

  8. Why is there comeback xp to begin with? The game, BY DEFAULT, already has a comeback mechanic. When you level up, it takes more xp to lvl up again. A level difference pre-6 is, in terms of experience points, insignificant to the ammount of exp it takes to lvl up at later stages in the game. The only way a level difference maintains itself is if you keep fucking up constantly.

  9. So…. they actually buffed jg xp. Riot game designers: Buff jg xp, so they can waste time farming. What will actually hapen: Less farm, due to xp being higher, so the jgler can spend more time being the most broken role. Its so obvious they dont even play their own game…..

  10. Jg is so messed up rn I used to just play kayn but I had to stop because I would be 120 cs up on the enemy and they would by the grace of god be the same level as me it feels so terrible playing any jungle that is supposed to farm rn

  11. It's a player problem. In 90% of my games one of the not lanes gets absolutely dumpstered and in half of those they just lose a clean 2v2 with little to no jungle interference. Good thing we can't ff 15 though

  12. dude the changes were clearly made to reward junglers more if they cleared the camps so this just keeps them in the jungle reducing the ganks, i dont get the fucking problem ?

  13. At this point, I’d rather go back to the red and blue smite dagger meta where you had to give up an item slot for a jungle item, or shit even the mini daggers, just bring that shit back these pets were a bad idea that riot refuses to let go of


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