Tyler1 Reacts to 13.4 LoL Patch Notes

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Tyler1 plays Overwatch 2: https://youtu.be/jN64kjWH7F4?list=PLEmOqyOOpkKbbFK8DLCkE4cKAUmALUDMM
Tyler1 Champions Queue: https://youtu.be/SaKqLVQ8GpY?list=PLEmOqyOOpkKYg3NqSIDlVNZR4krts8-ji
Tyler1 Best Overwatch 2 Moments: https://youtu.be/sY5DTcELPJ4
Tyler1 cries with laughter as he watches the best rage compilation :https://youtu.be/Ez_VA4sg7qk
Tyler1 as a girl: https://youtu.be/JUuxo166NHM
Tyler gets stunned for 7.17s: https://youtu.be/WAz8eHyva3o
Tyler1 reacts to The Washington Post’s article about him :https://youtu.be/a8ZTRVq3CYM
Tyler1 Reacts to LoL Pentakill Concert EVENT: https://youtu.be/-g0YSb3wupA
Tyler1 1v1 viewers with Discord: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBBS2SNyBWY&list=PLEmOqyOOpkKa2j6gC8GSSXTYfcullGt3u
The best of Tyler1: https://youtu.be/qJhHFwi1C2Q?list=PLEmOqyOOpkKb4U1pMhGPT8lpE4PXSHW4C

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Tyler1’s Mouse: https://amzn.to/3lhxYmZ (Yes, really)
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Tyler1’s Graphics Card: https://amzn.to/3YoDwLi
Tyler1’s Case: https://amzn.to/3xardGi (Blue)
Tyler1’s Racing Wheel: https://amzn.to/3K2gu8i
Tyler1’s Webcam: https://amzn.to/3Xjrkty

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35 thoughts on “Tyler1 Reacts to 13.4 LoL Patch Notes”

  1. Only reason Riven and Cho got buffs is Skin.

    Riot should remove Duo Queue it's unfair advantage versus anyone that isn't pre-made. But they won't and i'm sure lots will defend it despite Flex existing so you don't really lose anything. Same time, Riot should remove Pre-game chat (Lobby) so you can't share discord.

  2. The only people who complain about Jungle don't consistently play it. Jungle is at least third in game impact, a good supp is currently easily the most impactful on a team with bot lane being the deciding factor every game. After are mid laners who get 6 quickest in the game, push, and roam bot. And then maybe it's jungle. If you don't think so, you're just delusional.

  3. Some champs are just inherently unfair it doesn't matter how much you nerf them. Udyr for example: He builds full tank and runs at you. What are you supposed to do against that? You counter low mobility champions by cc'ing them but what does that do if the champion takes no damage and runs yellow tree tenacity every game. The only way to make champions like Udyr fair to play against is by making them unplayable or straight up removing them.

  4. When it comes to jungle changes, Tyler is unbelievably stupid. He thinks the heal increase makes any difference to his matches, but it doesn't. Every jungler in his queue is a sweaty fk that abuses meta, and every meta jungler has heal in his kit. This buff is to give jungle more variety because playing an off-meta pick jungle vs (let's say) hecarim it will always feel like you can't contest anything against him because you're half hp vs a full hp heca.

    Also, he wanted the gank meta to be over, now he eats the same old udyr olaf karthus hecarim meta doing rotations until they are so fking ahead out of playing PvE. Fun times incoming, I guess!

  5. they straight up buffed Cho and Riven cause they getting new skins, u just can't deal with Riot anymore, they are so shameless, also he should play JG, is really hard to have a lot of hp in jg since smite doesn't heal u anymore, u barely get heal from killing camps and camps are also a lot more tanky so u get more dmg and certain champs that were apparently supposed to be made to work again in JG this season suck at clearing like Sylas, with Sylas u should skip 2 and even better 3 camps and go to lv 3 into gank bcs he is always low hp af, ofc they could have just reverted everything back to normal and just buff dmg for just a few champs that people liked in jungle like Sylas and things will be back again , or just buff the sustain on only the champs that require it and not overall but u know that requires time and effort and Riot is just a small indie company with only 2 employees that are paid in chewing gums

    also the nerf to xp from kills, I can see Bauss abusing that, he was anyway dying like 12+ every game, now he can int harder

  6. For everybody that says revert "x." Riot can't they just delete shit. U think they have a GitHub-like server setup that saves code changes? The have admitted they lost all their legacy champs, ect…

  7. It's still mind blowing that even players like Tyler1 don't understand the meaning of 15%AP -> 12%AP, calling it a 20% damage reduction. That's the damage reduced based on the AP you have, but it still gets base damage, HP% damage etc.

    Clearing at level 1, where you have 18 AP (2 shards), you would deal 16 + 2,7 + 0,6 (from armor) = 19.3 previously. Now, you instead would deal 16 + 2.16 + 0,6 = 18.76.

    At level 1, when staying on no extra AP rather than the stat shards from runes, now instead of dealing 19.3 damage (rounded to 19), you deal 18.76 (rounded to 19). What a freaking nerf.

    This isn't even the best part. You stay on the map before recalling at least till level 4, which means that until level 4, this doesn't change at all. IF you decide to recall for, let's say, 2 Amp tomes worth of value (40 AP), then you would have 58 AP, and previously you would deal 16 + 8,7 + 0,6 = 25.3 and now you will deal 16 + 7 + 0.6 = 23.6.

    At the point you basically hit level 4 or level 5 and have your first recall, the pet damage drops from 25.3 to 23.6. A whooping 2 damage at level 5! What a nerf. Is anyone even thinking these and testing these changes?


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