TYLER1 REACTS TO PATCH NOTES 13.4: https://youtu.be/s95FScSx3LE
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Tyler1 Outbreak of the Decade: https://youtu.be/PuvBBOJXgxg
Tyler1 plays Overwatch 2: https://youtu.be/jN64kjWH7F4?list=PLEmOqyOOpkKbbFK8DLCkE4cKAUmALUDMM
Tyler1 Champions Queue: https://youtu.be/SaKqLVQ8GpY?list=PLEmOqyOOpkKYg3NqSIDlVNZR4krts8-ji
Tyler1 Best Overwatch 2 Moments: https://youtu.be/sY5DTcELPJ4
Tyler1 cries with laughter as he watches the best rage compilation :https://youtu.be/Ez_VA4sg7qk
Tyler1 as a girl: https://youtu.be/JUuxo166NHM
Tyler gets stunned for 7.17s: https://youtu.be/WAz8eHyva3o
Tyler1 reacts to The Washington Post’s article about him :https://youtu.be/a8ZTRVq3CYM
Tyler1 Reacts to LoL Pentakill Concert EVENT: https://youtu.be/-g0YSb3wupA
Tyler1 1v1 viewers with Discord: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBBS2SNyBWY&list=PLEmOqyOOpkKa2j6gC8GSSXTYfcullGt3u
The best of Tyler1: https://youtu.be/qJhHFwi1C2Q?list=PLEmOqyOOpkKb4U1pMhGPT8lpE4PXSHW4C

#lolclips #leagueoflegends #tyler1

Vod Timestamp: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1746028864?t=04h18m21s

Tyler1 socials:
► Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/loltyler1
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Tyler1’s Mouse: https://amzn.to/3lhxYmZ (Yes, really)
Tyler1’s Headset: https://amzn.to/3YlrgLm
Tyler1’s Graphics Card: https://amzn.to/3YoDwLi
Tyler1’s Case: https://amzn.to/3xardGi (Blue)
Tyler1’s Racing Wheel: https://amzn.to/3K2gu8i
Tyler1’s Webcam: https://amzn.to/3Xjrkty

Channel ran by Zaaif
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38 thoughts on “Tyler1 RAGE at NEW JUNGLE CHANGES”

  1. How About Tyler shut up and let go? i litteraly am happy that JG is no longer all based on counter jungling
    Btw they buffed just this patch JG Gold from treats and gave a little bit of Exp so i dont see a reason why not lower the hp of gromp he is pretty tanky ngl deals tons of dmg too so 100 hp less feels for me like something good no matter what and yes people still counter jg
    Shaco Nidalee Yi Ivern Diana Viego Kayn Kindred there is still shit ton of counter jg junglers that live thanks to counter jg and he cant deny it oh wait i forgot he prefers to fukin gave up full clear in first minutes and prefers to just smite enemys Red with Iverns passive and then spend 3 minutes in toplane with lvl 2 cause that way he is showcasing he is better (wouldnt say so)
    Yes i respect Tyler1 since he decided to learn every role
    But now he jus trash talks most of the time becoming annoying kid

  2. Sustain needs a helping hand? When I’m ganking I’m full hp every time. That shit needs a nerf which would reduce the amount of ganks a jungler does because they’re health would be lower causing a base as opposed to a gank

  3. I've noticed over the course of going on 13 years of League. Riot never apologizes for the huge screw-ups and they keep their pride and try to mitigate their "mistake or miscalculation" with and entire new patch and instead of ever reverting anything. VERY VERY few things have ever been reverted by Riot patch note wise. It's like they have so much pride in they are scared to admit they miscalculated these changes they have months to prep on with PBE.

    At the same time, it's kind of wild how they barely revert anything besides a drake and just keep adding more and more shit to the cesspool that is League or they take away and take away. But NEVER revert back to an original idea or process they had that actually worked. It's like they've wanted to be mad scientists and when things are solid we all complain about it anyways.

    You really never know what you've got till it's gone, this game has 100% taught me that aside from IRL… Could I get my agility elixirs back please?

  4. Jg has been op since last season, but at least last season you or your team could invade the jungler if you were ahead enough. Give the jungler a taste of their own medicine as you put out too much pressure for them to play. It also was better for champions in other roles to play the game and keep their exp or gold income with the jungle wheneever the jungler was too far away or busy (since camp respawns are so short that it will barely affect them). It was always unhealthy, but at least there were ways around it. And everyone could go to the jg for a cup of take-out.

    None of that applies now. League of Legends is all about the Jungler now and it sucks.

  5. I'm with him on this, just revert jungle changes. GIve me my skill expression and counter jungling back, dial back on jungle healing some more and increase the damage a bit on the camps that were mostly being double-camped or even add a mechanic where if you are being attacked by two or more camps, you take extra damage. Just revert the changes.

  6. Lower xp gamins early game allows for braindead champions like nasus to be retarded all laning phase and ignoring all laning fundamentals and still be useful nice one riot braindead video games

  7. Jungle is so fucking boring now, counterjungling is detrimental and catchup XP is so massive you may as well just permagank as a tank and pray the laner you focused is more skilled than the enemy's laner that their jungler focused or the jungler themselves.

  8. Here’s what the actual problem is: Jungle champions are too strong.

    What I mean is that the role is designed to fundamentally have low damage in order to be balanced, in order to give laners the advantage when being ganked in a way that a lead with let you 1v2 with good play. This is basically impossible right now without a colossal lead. Of course,

    Honestly, my idea is to have a new implementation of wards. I think there should be a massive vision plant that automatically goes off at 1:45 that covers the entirety of the river. This lasts for 25 seconds. The goal here is to help deter level two ganks. Level two ganks should never be allowed to function. Jungle needs set rules and to play around those rules or it becomes broken extremely quickly.

    Second, a new QOL buff. Add a minimap notifier. After 5 seconds in-game time, a small notification pops up to check your minimap. This can be toggled on and off with “/minimap”.

    Lastly, if you’re going to straight up buff jungle with the pets then they need to take up an item slot. I don’t care if you stat boost it, it’s broken that they just get a buff for nothing

  9. The Kill Experience change pains my soul.

    If you take an early fight and win you should be rewarded. All this does is promote more afk let's all hold hands and farm until 20+ minutes into the game BS

  10. What is the point of full clear farming? I just farm to lvl 3 and perma gank lanes to win games. And even when i fall behind, the comeback System safe your ass. Jungle is such an easy op role.

  11. Every time I've ever seen this guy's content all he does is scream and b** about everything how do people watch this it's so annoying His whole persona is just b***** about everything how do you guys enjoy that

  12. And once again this dogshit company does not adress the biggest problems of jungle: disgusting catch up XP from camps and 20% debuff on enemy camps. God this jungle just feels so awful to play, so unfun with so little skill expression. Completely dumbed down the role for noobies sadly. Have more fun playing other roles atm.

  13. Everyone talking about jungle being op when highest wr of a jgler now is 51 maxx. Go check stats then come back, role is so garbage now if your clear is slow. Ap bot laners now btw have mostly 55wr, rip jgl


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