Two Very Different Ways to Trim Your Annuals | Gardening with Creekside

Today I am showing you two very different ways to trim your annuals so that they perform their best to the end of the growing season. Annuals respond really well to being pruned, and I am walking you through step by step two different ways to trim them.

🪴 Sources for the tools I use:
Pop-up garden bag
Garden belt
Felcos Felco (Use GWC10 for 10% off your order)
Hori Hori Promo Code CREEKSIDE for $10 off your purchase
Kneeling pad

🪴 Companies We Partner With 🪴
Power Planter Garden Augers & Drills
Hoselink Promo Code CREEKSIDE for $10 off your purchase
Proven Winners
Black Gold
Felco (Use GWC10 for 10% off your order)

🪴 Products We Use 🪴
Garden Belt
Kinsman Garden Company
Gardener’s Supply Company
Our Amazon Store (we receive a portion of each purchase you make)

🪴 Stay Connected with Gardening with Creekside 🪴

⏰ Nursery Hours:
Wednesday-Saturday 9am-3pm until late fall

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


50 thoughts on “Two Very Different Ways to Trim Your Annuals | Gardening with Creekside”

  1. Perfect timing, Jenny! I have been looking at my containers and wondering if I cut them back, would they continue to bloom here in my 7a central Va. ESPECIALLY THE CRAZY SWEET POTATO VINE. We have a couple of days reprieve of cool temps and (relatively low) dewpoint so I'm eager to power through the next few days. Enjoy these last few weeks with your daughter– so many emotions during this next phase of her journey.

  2. I have 2 coleos that are 4 ft tall and wide, and are blocking viewing the other plants. They're getting a hair cut. BTW: can you save the seeds from coleos to plant next year? How do you do that?

  3. Love pruning. I just did my super bells and there already looking much better. They can breath now. Thank you so very much for sharing this with us.🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

  4. My first year of gardening, I planted full sun salvia in part shade, then I cut all the blooms off for a second flush, and they immediately died. I was scared to prune annuals for the next two years, lol.😮 Supertunia vistas are the only thing I need to prune, everything else just gets about 1/3 the size your plants do. I still get satisfaction from seeing you prune:)

  5. My mantra when pruning is 'you have to be cruel to be kind' and focus on the long term. I'm a fellow North Carolinian so I really enjoy your videos and sweat right along with you!

  6. Because of you, Jenny, and Laura @gardenanswer, I have learned so much over the last 2-3 years. I’m not afraid to try anything with plants. If I don’t like it, I change it. Thank you for being an inspiration 👍🏼😊!

  7. Brynna thought you were a little nutso, lol! I did a bunch of trimming this morning, my crazy loropetalums got a major prune. I forgot my bubblegums though. Thanks for the reminder.

  8. Hi Jenny- I appreciate your videos so much. You provide lots of great information. For the begonias that are in the shade, would you cut the whole stem if it leggy and how long would it grow back. We are in zone 5 in Canada so short summer season.

  9. My daughter just graduated college in May, and now she’s moving away. You think starting college is hard. Wait until you get to my point in your life… It’s just hard letting go! Love your videos. Enjoy the time with your daughter!

  10. This was very traumatizing to watch. I only kept watching because you said you weren’t going to be as severe on the second one, which I thought you were. You said you were trying to let the Penta’s breathe. I guess I’m wondering why you put so many plants in the container to begin with if something pretty is going to get whacked because of it. Unfortunately I watched this right before bedtime and it has upset me so much that I’m not going to be able to go to sleep. Very disturbing and cringe worthy.

  11. Very satisfying!
    Have a wonderful day with your daughter while you still can. At this point they move on quickly into their adult lives becoming very focused in them. They become more independent of our hold requiring less from us! Which you all to well know. As satisfying as that is to have them bloom into adulthood it’s difficult. I have one that has moved from home into college then to Turks, to st. Thomas to st. Martin then back to our area. The other now is in Florida. Oh how I wish for the hands of time to turn backwards yet I’m super proud of their achievements and independence. However, I miss a random lunch or a weekend dinner gatherings and movie date. Everything has to be well planned and somewhat complicated in planning as you well know the anticipation out weighs the length of time of those shared moments and they quickly pass then it’s on to the next anticipated meeting. Time is not our friend! Have an amazing day!!!🌺🌺🌺

  12. Always love your videos,Jenny but had to chuckle when you trimmed the plants in the nursery water trough. Your potato vine reminds me of Cousin Itt from the Addams Family! Too cute! 😂


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