Two NEW Sasquatch Photos And Two Sound Recordings Sent In

We about cover it all in this one. The opener was kind of funny so we included it with Adventure dog !


46 thoughts on “Two NEW Sasquatch Photos And Two Sound Recordings Sent In”

  1. Ruby is absolutely adorable. I had a friend who’s dog would ride on a motorcycle with him. He mounted a scrap of carpet over the gas tank so the fog had something to get ahold of.

  2. Dr. Peter McCullough, epoch times, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter Breggin, doctor Ryan Cole, Ron DeSantos, and a handful of others. All the rest of them are saying things that they never prove about the white hats, aliens running the planet, pedos doing unspeakable things and they are of the elite, military tribunals, etc. without any proof whatsoever. That last bunch has gotten me to the point that I just roll my eyes now. The elections in the United States are bogus, the DOJ is captured just like the FBI, and the judicial system. It’s a mess. We’ve been taken over and that’s all there is to it.

  3. Hi Steve and my HTH family! My list of people I listen to for the truth regarding what's really going on these days is as follows:

    You (of course)
    David Paulites
    Russell Brand
    Scott Carpenter
    Fred from Alaska

  4. REDACTED on YouTube , AND DAVID PAULIDES on YouTube .

    I seem to find them sharing some truthful words with me and I find it refreshing. The couple that run REDACTED have been silenced by YouTube a couple of times so I figure they must have some juicy content that the far left doesn't want out at times.

  5. 1st and foremost, adventure dog is absolutely adorable! To be able to watch the interactions you have with your puppy in your videos, is so endearing. What a great opening to this video, adventure dog on your quad just looking around and nosing the air, just too cute!! I apologize for gushing about the puppy, as you can tell by my YouTube profile name, I am a huge dog lover..Now that I have got that stated, I believe I've been subscribed to this channel for about 2 years now although I've rarely, if ever comment. I meant to comment on an episode I watched recently which had discussed that possibility of Bigfoot being able to take the form of other things, particular tree stumps. THAT instantly reminded me of

  6. I apologize if I somehow missed the location being stated at the beginning of this video( roughly started being discussed around 3:45.) All i heard was a video taken on "the island " I am interested in finding the clip and watching the way he/she/it, or they walks/moves.

  7. I wonder if Sabe can change eye color like Reindeer? Not only is the reindeer's eye beautiful, it is a scientific marvel. The animal's eyes change from a golden color to a deep blue as summer fades to winter, helping it to see in dramatically different light levels.

  8. Lol I am mainly a city boy, but I was in the woods walking with my friend and 20 minutes in and you heard a tree just snap and fall no more the. 20 feet from us ….I turn to him and say wtf was that well wtf could do that ….he says o prolly a bear ….I accepted it but on the way back we saw the tree and wtf was not a bear and wen we walk off my foot was in the biggest footprint I’ve ever seen …I didn’t even tell him I saw it because I thought maybe it’s me and at this point I’ve never heard of sas but I knew exactly wat snapped that tree once I learned of them


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