Two men kill countless zombies with their bare hands.

Fear the Walking Dead S6 P8

“Fear the Walking Dead” playlist:

Warmly remind you that the video content from the film content, if the video content is on your discomfort, please watch with caution. Please do not imitate the dangerous behavior in the video content.


20 thoughts on “Two men kill countless zombies with their bare hands.”

  1. Wait so the car was stopped, they fixed the battery then what she forgot 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th gear straight to 5th??
    Nah anyone who drives knows 2nd gear you can start on but starting straight to 5th like you either gonna straight stall or ef up your gearbox and transmission 🤦🏾‍♂️
    But it's a fictional world with zombies so I guess I godda accept it and put my disbelief aside for the plot 💀😂🤣

  2. Just like a female, unable to drive a damn car even just for 10 feet but then she whips out a pistol and is able to get head shots really realistic they need a knock off this whole women can do everything men can do on the show highly unrealistic


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