Twilight Zone – Succeeding Against All Odds by The Spirit of God

On The Twilight Zone, Yemi will be talking to a Woman of God all the way from Africa, whom the Lord is using in doing wonders within the Spanish community here in Spain.
As a result of her service to the Lord, she has great influence within her local community.
Hers is a ministry that is truly making impact.

Through her ministry, lives are being transformed.
Many are healed, delivered and restored.
Lives are being set on fire for the Lord.
It is an incredible testimony.

This is a programme highly recommended especially for women who are called to ministry and don’t where or how to start.
It is a programme which the girl child needs to watch, in order to encourage her that there is nothing that can hold you back as long as you have God on your side.
It is also for that person who has made many mistakes in their live and don’t think there is a way out.
It is for that person believing God for a second chance.
It is for that foreigner who thinks the system is skewed against them.

Kindly share this and get many to watch, because lives will be transformed.
It is highly recommended for the entire family.
It must not be missed.


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