Turkulon the giant turkey New World event

Turkulon the giant turkey New World event, check official forum for more info.
This one i met south from windsward, at first light border.
Turkey leg u can cook for “+1 Con +0.15 Luck for 40min efficiency based on level” dish.
Ссылки :
Прямые трансляции- https://www.twitch.tv/trollen69
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Записи стримов https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnsTBMT15Rq3SJWT-rzr3gw
Игровые видео – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM7mYqnoZ85g_lcxgWUsfDA
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8 thoughts on “Turkulon the giant turkey New World event”

  1. This was about as much fun as wiping your rear with your Non-dominant hand!…it was a build up for a very big let down of a food recipe…con 1 and luck 0.15% for 40 min…big let down imo!


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