/tune = INFINITE styles now in Midjourney! Here is 30 that I discovered!

Midjourney’s latest update brought us an infinite amount of styles to discover with /tune feature. I know I’m a bit late to the party again, but I come bearing gifts: In this video I will take a look at this feature and share 30 cool style codes that I even invented names for. And also 70 bonus ones that you can find in the link below.

Want to try something out, but it’s tedious to write the prompt out yourself? No worries! View all the styles featured in this video and some extra styles alongside their prompts that you can copy and paste here: https://thaeyne.com/?p=40846

My tuners:
https://tuner.midjourney.com/1FwqRQ6 (Intricate colorful tower)
https://tuner.midjourney.com/oPQytNA (Photo of woman)

Music generated with Mubert: https://mubert.com/render/pricing?via=thaeyne
All generated images created by Thaeyne with Midjourney: https://www.midjourney.com
Voiceover generated with: https://murf.ai
Talking images with: https://www.d-id.com/
Moving images with: https://runwayml.com/
Also moving images with: Moving images with: https://kaiber.ai/
More moving images with: https://www.genmo.ai/

0:00 Intro
1:23 –style CODE
2:11 /tune
4:14 Where to get style codes option 2
4:30 My favorite way of discovering new style codes
5:38 –style cmNbjnmXhgO1bT02 (Mystic Naturalism)
5:56 –style 6SdARpUTPPtMdy7K (RusticRadiance)
6:17 –style 1yh9c7W2HlVLDu0 (SpectralHarmony)
6:39 –style 39AGUmW0tZaqauU (Whimsical Realnes)
7:03 –style cmEgmn9cbViRDKPI (PsycheChroma Fusion)
7:28 –style 6ltiHdq28NKQ818I (MechanoSurreal Visions)
7:55 –style snywPkWZJPJ7Hj7 (ChromaFantasia)
8:19 –style cIiiqZLq1EyXPRrw (Biomimetic Fantasia)
8:48 –style soeLXgdj5iRbpyJ (Polychromatic Dissection)
9:16 –style clKUv0JbgimSAevs (Nature’s Morbid Elegance)
9:40 –style IDQBn4t16hJfW0B (Crimson Ethereality)
10:05 –style 4XnTGABi8ETX8CE (ObscuraVivid)
10:28 –style 29QIkakMhxz5KpTk (Dreamscapes in Warmth)
10:45 –style eRzewiOy0cH7aT6 (Gothic Radiance)
11:08 –style 6sGkvNS4txRLmMz6 (Gloomscapes)
11:29 –style cbMe88XHJ010pMmG (KaleidoCraft)
11:53 –style 9s8ijsEQVStGSM0 (Vividly Vortex)
12:21 –style Jq9CgOcVOWRC8SN (Neo-Romantic Synthesis)
12:46 –style 29QUNsSYJ9k0Vg9A (Vivid Eruption)
13:09 –style 29QUNsSYJ9k0Vg9A (Vivid Morphism)
13:32 –style cmZqmxZ97WJvxgGy (Celestial Vibrance)
13:53 –style susy196zKxfRBqZ (Enchantallica)
14:15 –style 2hYoHiFyEMGAC24W (ChiaroReal)
14:39 –style 7jYPAZRvx3XWDv (UnrealReality)
15:03 –style 48s7tYMi0f3IvftS (HarmonyWaves)
15:26 –style 9t8r5AcRUjpROM8 (ColorCascade)
15:46 –style bmQFIIyOfm9fJn (Mystic Morphology)
16:14 –style 9Nwy9GhSBuDaZZu (Melancholic Metamorphosis)
16:39 –style 4Lc8xtBrCDh0kn2 (Vibrant Visions)
17:01 –style 6RT9oP6uQjlJhAQg (Geometrically Gentle)


16 thoughts on “/tune = INFINITE styles now in Midjourney! Here is 30 that I discovered!”

  1. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the effort and time you have dedicated to educating us. Your work is truly impressive and highly informative, providing valuable insights for the future. I am truly grateful for your commitment to excellence and your unwavering dedication to sharing knowledge. Please continue to inspire and enlighten us with your remarkable contributions. Your efforts are truly commendable, and I am confident that your work will continue to have a lasting impact on those who have the privilege of learning from you. Thank you for your invaluable contributions, and please keep up the exceptional work.

  2. if you want to expand your styles even further might i suggest using a thesaurus and substituting the words for others that mean the same thing but might produce very different results…such as an experiment i did a few months ago with the term water buffalo…i exchanged both words with the term hydro bison and put the creature in a fitting alternate reality surreal alien landscape…and it worked much better than i expected

    also i just combined all of these prompts (words only) with minor tweaking and used them as a prompt in stable diffusion online sdxl and the results were very surreal

  3. Thank you very much! I genuinely appreciate everything you've done for me/us by providing me with all the necessary education. I've learned a great deal from you since the very beginning. I can't express enough gratitude for your effort, time, and selflessness in sharing your knowledge with all of us who follow you. There have been countless instances where I felt overwhelmed and didn't know where to begin, but I always eagerly awaited your new videos. Once again, thank you! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  4. thanks for sharing this new feature. but i haven't figured it quite yet how to use this. Unfortunately the majority of the styles convey demonic figures and hell landscapes. For me this is terrible and awful. Why should i see all these demons faces in a video?

  5. Seems like the style tuning is specific to subject and won't apply in all situations as MJ mention which means we need to burn a lot of fast hours for each specific subject.


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