Tulsi Gabbard Speech Live | Gabbard Demands Stringent Firearm Policy | USA News Live | News18 Live

Tulsi Gabbard Speech Live | Gabbard Demands Stringent Firearm Policy | USA News Live | News18 Live The former Hawaii …


5 thoughts on “Tulsi Gabbard Speech Live | Gabbard Demands Stringent Firearm Policy | USA News Live | News18 Live”

  1. SCAM "HEALTH' ADVERTISEMENT: If this really worked, don't you think the AMA would have jumped on it. Unknown Doctor (foreign), Unnamed Product, What more need be said.

  2. Hawaii, and California wanted to keep firearms out of the hands of minorities (Asians), The Supreme Court says they cannot do that. So The Racist Governments of those states made it Unlawful for ANYBODY to have firearms, the Supreme Court said that was OK, as it applied equally to everybody.
    [Nobody cared about 2A details]

  3. to Tulsi Gabbard

    What is your REAL 2A position?

    The threats against you were in 2013.

    Yet WHILE in Congress you supported and voted for bills which did NOT support our 2A freedoms.

    When you had the chance to help eradicate the antigun laws that criminals and anti gun people love…. You DIDN’T..!!!’

    But now all of a sudden you say you’re pro 2A and try to prove it by shooting guns and talking like you never supported so called “Common sense” gun lies.

    Please explain WHY do you support antigun laws that only affect law abiding people and criminals ignore?

    There is no gun problem.

    It’s a people problem.

    If laws stopped criminals our jails would be empty and no one would get speeding tickets etc.

    PROOF: It is illegal to murder people yet it happens every day.

    More laws would not make it more illegal to kill people.

    ALL law abiding American citizens should be able to carry whatever tools / weapons we want to defend ourselves, each other and our country with no limits…. just like criminals have no limits.

    That is what the 2A is about… not just guns but “arms”,,, which does not mean just guns.

    Repeating firearms including rifles were available as early as 1651 prior to the 2A in 1791.

    Our founding fathers were well aware for the changing gun world which helped build America along with all the growing minds of the time and there was even an air rifle with a 20 round MAGAZINE in 1799 used by the Lewis and Clark expedition.

    ALL personal tools and hand held weapons were used for personal protection AND defense of countries.

    ALL “weapons” are weapons of war so the argument that civilians should not have “weapons of war” is just ignorant.

    Criminals can get whatever they want so why do people think honest citizens should be limited?

    Our police forces improved their weapons in response to criminals with better weapons.. More proof criminals don’t follow laws.

    Shouldn’t civilians carry tools/ weapons as good or better than criminals in order to stop the criminals?

    No America won’t turn into the wild wild west you see on tv as that is all FAKE.

    Criminals need to know they will most likely die if they commit crimes and the only way to do that is not to leave teachers etc helpless victims only to watch the children they love die because some brain challenged idiots left them defenseless.

    Do you truly support Freedom or not?

    BTW … The simple difference between a “MAGAZINE” and a “clip” is Magazine have springs so the ammunition can spring up to be loaded by the action of the gun.

    Clips do NOT have springs and are only used to manually load a gun.

    Most likely 99.9% of the semi-auto or automatic guns you see use a magazine.

    The guns with clips date back to WW1, WW2 and Vietnam with few exceptions.

    If you say “magazine” even when you don’t know you’ll be right 99% of the time and look smarter for it.

    So,,, Do you truly support Freedom or not?

    If so, I support you but if this is all fake…. There’s no Honor in deception.

  4. Tulsi will you renounce all the anti 2nd Amendment bills you supported while you were running as a Presidential candidate, like H.R. 38 conceal and carry reciprocity, H.R. 8, and the banning of so called assault weapons ban of semi automatic weapons like AR15, and other AR platform semi auto fire arms, if you have changed actions speak louder than words.


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