Tucker Carlson's Shocking Warning to Joe Rogan About What They Told Him About UFOs!

Tucker Carlon recently appeared on the Jor Rogan Podcast and he’s been telling everyone that the UFO recent sightings is …


22 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson's Shocking Warning to Joe Rogan About What They Told Him About UFOs!”

  1. I thought they spelt the word seeker w the h to be ambiguous. But now I think it's bc of cognitive dissonance 😆😆 like the firmament. I used to think hippies are cool but idiots ruined that even.. at least have knowledge of the meaning before speeding disinformathion. Oh-kah??

  2. tucker carlson is a journalist like a horse is a cat… ALTHOUGH, the government did a 4 hour symposium based off the "tic tac" video, based off the gauges the jet recorded, and mathematicians, and physicists only to come to a conclusion that it wasnt as fast as they perceived (i bet radar shows otherwise), but they couldnt explain it, in the end.

  3. I ask the staunch faithful all the time, If god created you as man into the universe, couldnt it possible he created other beings? And, could you consider we have been a experiment planted here on earth?

  4. Great discussion TS! 👍

    Demons are Earthbound. Angels are not. Both are interdimensional.

    Demons are Fallen Angel offspring.

    Angels are foreign to us, hence the name ‘alien’. They absolutely would have all the shapeshifting, technology and capabilities of ‘aliens’ as we know them.

    There are different levels to heaven. The Sky we see is the first level.

    In the book of Job, Satan visits with God in heaven. Fallen Angels are still in heaven with restrictions. They haven’t been completely banned yet, the war isn’t over yet.

    Ephesians 6:12
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

  5. God expresses godself in an infinite variety of ways. Most of those ways will seem "alien" 👽 to us in our current level of collective awareness. "Aliens" would have the capacity to do bad and good, just like people do.


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