Tua Tagovailoa Stretchered Off After SEVERE Head Injury – Doctor Explains

An absolutely terrible sight as Tua hit his head for the second week in a row this NFL season and was stretchered off the field.

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I’m a doctor and a sports fan and this channel is dedicated to exploring the unique medical side of the world of sports, including NBA, MLB, NFL, UFC, and many more! Breaking down the biggest what ifs, historical injuries and stories, and making learning about medicine fun and relevant for all sports fans!

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Content owned and produced by Brian Sutterer LLC 2022


36 thoughts on “Tua Tagovailoa Stretchered Off After SEVERE Head Injury – Doctor Explains”

  1. I touched on this in my video earlier this week calling out this situation.

    This should lead to a protocol change. The current protocol requires that if a player stumbles after a head impact, the medical staff must determine if it’s orthopedic (spine/joints/etc) related or neurologic. If they feel it’s orthopedic, then the player can pass the protocol if they test ok otherwise.

    In this case the big question is how in the world they decided his stumbling on Sunday was from his back (when we saw the head impact and shaking).

    The current wording in that exception leaves too much wiggle room for situations like this and now should absolutely be updated

  2. I suffered a rare dislocation of my ulnar nerve (funny bone nerve) at age 13 in a freak baseball accident while batting!, Went into shock and tremors for 6 seconds at the plate and the injury led to uncontrollable “posturing” for 10yrs!!! until it was discovered a transposition was needed. Surgeon who taught University of Miami used me as a case study due to rare severity. I have tons of real-world experience with these nerve signals and misfiring. Suffice to say life altering injuries can occur in any sport.

  3. You should make a video of Kurt Busch wreck in pocono because he had a really bad concussion and has and will be out for the rest of the season and pocono was like in august

  4. Tia shouldn’t have came back in the 2nd half of the Buffalo Bill game. Miami needs to held accountable. This just makes me just so upset 😡. And who the hell is the doctor that cleared him to play that 2nd half??

  5. The bioethics behind this decision is horrifying.. as a sports phyaixian, these “doctors” should be sued for malpractice and have their credentials stripped

  6. Years ago I had a small side skull fracture and concussion from a fall. I was knocked out for about 10 mins. Taken to the hospital ect and spent days for tests. The first week or so I really didn't feel pain. It was weeks later that I started getting nausea and dizzy spells. I would say for a year I had effects from that fall.

  7. He should reconsider playing football and, apply into a different role for Miami as a staff support offensive line coach after he makes a full recovery for his health's safety.

  8. Professional sport is a big money business and is obviously results based, but this kind of stuff is really needs to be taken seriously. The top level rugby league competition in Australia has put in rules and regulations, and teams/players are starting to treat these cases with more care. Some players have even taken the rest of a season off after suffering multiple concussions in quick succession, and in some cases players have even retired once they start seeing even the slightest effects of CTE. Will the occasional instance slip through when teams want their best players on the field? sure, i dont think that will ever be 100% stopped, but i think everyone involved needs to take this more seriously. This includes players putting their egos aside and thinking about their future quality of life

  9. This whole sport is ridiculous. It’s all $$. He will be a vegetable one day and everyone will say “oh” and move on. It’s not worth it Tua

  10. Has someone who suffered a TBI in a similar way. But I landed on concrete. I was awake and conscious. But my brain wasn’t fully aware on what was happening. Nor, do I remember what was happening during that time. Just prior to the injury..

  11. You really have to grow up watching football in order to enjoy watching young healthy men who get injured during every training. Otherwise you can’t stomach this sport, it’s too gruesome to enjoy any of it. I hope one day enough people will be aware of traumatic brain injury and think about whether they would want their children to participate

  12. The fact that this ultra-violent, deadly kind of sport is that popular in the US says a lot about the people. It always reminds me of the gladiator fights in Ancient Rome. The perverse lust in this fighting and killing, doesn't even seem human to me anymore.


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