TU-95 – aircraft ahead of its time in Modern Warships

Today we will speak of TU-95 – the plane, that was ahead of it’s time

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37 thoughts on “TU-95 – aircraft ahead of its time in Modern Warships”

  1. The Tupolev 95 will be the first bomber in the game to have propeller engines, while the others have jet engines. I like its appearance, but I would prefer to see it equipped with one bomb instead of two, which would be the most powerful in the game, preferably nuclear. However, currently, it only carries missile weapons (bombs can also be considered as missiles), resulting in a beautiful and user-friendly bomber in terms of gameplay. 8348BD3ACD1C6AE5

  2. I won't buy the VIP battle pass because it's not worth it 1. The bomber doesn't have a nuclear sarbomba even though it does exist in the video and in the original it carries a nuclear 2. ANT 51 black plague is easily destroyed and has little resistance and the missiles and rilgan don't hurt like the other battle passes 3. MiG 31 BM doesn't have hypersonic missiles like its SU 75 sibling. so it's easy on enemy veler and the missiles don't hurt and are easily destroyed too That is all and thank you

  3. i like its looking and the new type of boom it has might interesting to see what do that can do in a real battle because of its defenses that are the same as the b52

    ID 642BBE459BE06183

  4. I think Cluster bomb is powerful against enemy warships.Therefore I loved Tu-95 .She has quite good weapons including anti-aircraft gun.Also This bomber has Quite good Hp .
    Bomber's design is very fascinating.I love mostly design of this bomber.Tu-95 is one of the best bombers in MW

  5. The TU-95 aka “Bear” is a very versatile bomber and was ahead of its time.The bomber itself looks very interesting and it is amazing how it can travel so far on internal fuel. It is also very cool how it dropped the Tsar Bomba over Mityushika bay at 11:32 Moscow time

    Sincerely W.W.

  6. the most feared bomber at its time and is still operating today in the modern warship game we can use and know how strong this bomber is, hopefully it will be given free with the deplover

  7. Tupolev Tu-95 (Rusia: Туполев Ту-95 nama pelaporan Nato: "Bear") adalah pesawat penembak bom strategis dengan 4 mesin turboprop dilengkapi platform rudal. Pertama diterbangkan pada tahun 1952, Tu-95 mulai melayani Uni Soviet pada tahun 1956 dan diharapkan dapat melayani Angkatan Udara Rusia sampai setidaknya 2040. Sebuah perkembangan pesawat bomber angkatan laut dinamakan Tu-142, sedangkan perkembangan pesawat penumpang disebut Tu-114.


  8. I love MW! All amazing. I request on you something!I like! playing submarine! Some ship and submarine are so expensive!So I”m poor! We cannot buy!
    Hobby boss USS Gato SS 212,1941!
    Please can joined that in coming updating!

  9. I really love the tupolev Tu95 because it's one of the oldest military aircraft which is in server until today. Thank you Arstorm for bringging Tu95 into the game.

    ID : 9DDFD4696E916148

  10. The Tu-95, also known as the Tupolev Tu-95, is a strategic bomber and missile platform that was developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War era. It is often referred to by its NATO reporting name, "Bear."

    The Tu-95 is a four-engine turboprop aircraft and is one of the largest and fastest propeller-driven aircraft ever built. It has a distinctive design with swept wings and large propellers driven by powerful Kuznetsov NK-12 turboprop engines. The aircraft's primary role is long-range strategic bombing, but it can also carry out maritime patrol, reconnaissance, and aerial refueling missions.

    One of the notable features of the Tu-95 is its ability to carry and launch nuclear-armed cruise missiles. These missiles can be launched while the aircraft is airborne, allowing it to strike targets at long distances without entering hostile airspace. The Tu-95 has been a significant component of Russia's strategic bomber force and has undergone various modernization programs over the years to enhance its capabilities and extend its service life.

    The Tu-95 has been in service since the 1950s and remains operational in the Russian Air Force today. It has also been exported to a few other countries, including China and Ukraine. The aircraft's long-range capabilities and ability to carry nuclear weapons have made it an iconic symbol of Soviet and Russian military power.

    Game ID:84B8138F2A37A82B

  11. The Tu-95 aircraft, also known as the "Bear" in NATO reporting name, is indeed an impressive and iconic aircraft. Here are several reasons why the Tu-95 is considered amazing:

    Design and Longevity: The Tu-95 is a strategic bomber and missile carrier that has been in service since the 1950s. Its design incorporates a swept-wing configuration, a unique counter-rotating propeller system, and a distinctive swept tail fin. Despite its age, the aircraft continues to be operational in the Russian Air Force, which is a testament to its robust design and adaptability.
    Speed and Range: The Tu-95 is powered by four Kuznetsov NK-12 turboprop engines, each driving a pair of contra-rotating propellers. This propulsion system allows the aircraft to achieve impressive speeds of up to 575 mph (925 km/h) and has a remarkable range of approximately 9,400 miles (15,100 km) without refueling. This exceptional range enables the Tu-95 to conduct long-range strategic missions and effectively patrol vast areas.
    Strategic Capabilities: As a strategic bomber, the Tu-95 is capable of carrying various types of payloads, including nuclear and conventional bombs, cruise missiles, and anti-ship missiles. Its primary purpose is to provide a nuclear deterrent capability and long-range strike capability for the Russian military. The aircraft's versatility and payload capacity make it a significant asset in strategic planning and operations.
    Surveillance and Intelligence Gathering: In addition to its bombing capabilities, the Tu-95 has been adapted for surveillance and intelligence gathering missions. Modified versions, such as the Tu-95RT and Tu-95MS-16, are equipped with advanced radar systems and sensors to gather electronic intelligence (ELINT) and conduct reconnaissance. This enables the aircraft to monitor and collect valuable information over vast areas.
    Iconic Status: The Tu-95 holds a special place in aviation history and has become an iconic symbol of the Cold War era. Its distinctive appearance, with its large swept wings and prominent propellers, has captured the imagination of aviation enthusiasts and the general public alike. The aircraft's unique design and enduring operational service have contributed to its legendary status.
    It's worth noting that while the Tu-95 is considered amazing in several aspects, technological advancements have led to the development of more modern strategic bombers with enhanced capabilities. Nonetheless, the Tu-95's longevity, range, and strategic significance continue to make it a remarkable aircraft in the aviation world.
    Player id-A8BBD07F1B137864

  12. Although the TU-95 didn't have a high speed,it has many powerful weapons,the Tsar nuclear bomb is my most favorite weapon on TU-95,I hope the morden warships can add the Tsar in the game. Thanks

  13. この飛行機は遅いですが、それに見合った火力を持っているでしょう。そして、なにより見た目がかっこいい。近代的な強襲空母に乗る古い爆撃機は、どのような見た目になるのでしょうか?私が気になったのは手動誘導の爆弾です。この飛行機はエンジンが素晴らしいXD

  14. I love ships, planes, bombers and can't wait to try this new bomber. I love the game and it is my favorite!!!!I just imagine having that kind of bomber crew on my Russian aircraft carrier, I would be the king of the skies with that mighty bomber. It would be a good match with the Russian aircraft carrier and maybe have a heavy gun to devastate the seas of Modern warships.
    Congratulations for your great work and every month you surprise us with new things. They are a great team and I really like their game. I love ships, planes, bombers and can't wait to try this new bomber. I love the game and it is my favorite!!!!



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