Trump’s 2024 Presidential Run Announcement Was A Mess

Donald Trump makes it official. Republicans win the House. Nancy Pelosi steps down as leader. Kari Lake loses her race for Arizona governor. And Dan talks to the Nevada Independent’s Jon Ralston about midterm results and the future.

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00:00:00 – Intro
00:00:21 – Trump’s 2024 announcement speech
00:27:12 – The latest on the midterms: Republicans take the House & Kari Lake loses
00:41:37 – Ad break
00:47:01 – Interview with Jon Ralston
01:04:15 – Ad break 2
01:07:56 – Conclusion

Crooked believes that we need a better conversation about politics, culture, and the world around us—one that doesn’t just focus on what’s broken, but what we can do to fix it. At a time when it’s increasingly easy to feel cynical or hopeless, former Obama staffers Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, and Tommy Vietor have created a place where people can have sane conversations that inform, entertain, and inspire action. In 2017 they started Crooked with Pod Save America—a no-bullshit conversation about politics. Since then, we continue to add shows, voices, and opportunities for activism, because it’s up to all of us to do our part to build a better world. That’s it. End of mission.

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50 thoughts on “Trump’s 2024 Presidential Run Announcement Was A Mess”

  1. I do not know why but everytime that I force myself to look at De Santim……. of Florida, I always see a cromagnon early pre-human (I'm not sure if I spelled correctly the name of the pre-men.) And each time more knowing of him I'm more sure that he is not completly human outside and inside.

  2. Regarding DeSantis – I wonder how the younger voter contingent think about him. That should be taken into account. I suspect he is not as popular with that demographic.

  3. I thought it was funny and pathetic that he did this right after he invited all these people there for his daughter's wedding. His idea was to keep them there so that there was a 'crowd'. Even though you could see them looking around looking for an open exit. Really sad situation.
    I would rather see rapists put to death instead of drug dealers. oh wait. Trump is a rapist.

  4. I wasn’t really surprised when the Republicans began trying to pivot to DeSantis. He’s just a Trump copycat with a brain. They’re trying to portray him as a “moderate” Republican but he believes all the same thing. DeSantis is just smarter and more eloquent than Trump. I swear if Americans throw away an old bigoted fascist for a younger bigoted fascist with a bigger chance of sticking around longer 🙄

  5. This was one of his best if anything 😂 he's trying not to be so hostile trying to bring people together and thats what we need you guys are just making his speech sound terrible😂 people actually go watch the speech yourself.. this podcast is just full of hate and trying to create hate it's obvious

  6. The New Hampshire constitution stipulates that it must be the first primary in a Presidential election. If Nevada tries to be first, NH will move their primary earlier. If Nevada moves their primary, we'll end up with two primaries two years before we know who is running.

  7. 16:00 “Trump is definitely weaker than he has ever been.” So true … making him so dangerous. He will definitely own Twitter air time soon; that is part of the danger. Truth Social is another Trump University. Failed businesses bankruptcies are just stepping stones for him //
    By the way, in defense of Pence, the lady asking the question from the audience has “Barber” in her last name. I’ll bet that Pence, like me, has an old age related hearing concern. He may not have heard Jake say the first name. Between that and the excitement of his big book related CNN speaking out reply … and knowing it was Madison County, he just blew it. The time delay in adjusting to the unexpected development was hilarious, as well.
    Just subscribed.
    🤹‍♀️🥇🚧Caution. I comment frequently and at length. Sorry in advance

  8. Maybe Trump should be careful caling for the capital punishment for anybody who is involved in drug related crimes. A lot of cocaine being used in the Trump family. I mean, that's where everybody should start looking for drug addicts to lynch, right?

  9. Kari Lake is a "Nutter" exactly like her Boss "Dumpty Trumty" that has the greatest fall in America Midterm Election. The Worst President America ever produced. They are both "Political Thugs". She called her opponent "INCOMPETENT". BUT American Voters had proved her wrong. Kari Lake is absolutely "Incompetent" and that was why she lost the Election. But she will never "Concede" like her Boss. Trumpy said "I will meet you at Capitol Hill". Did he showed up?. Liar, Liar, Liar. Unfortunately, most of his supporters are now in Prison but he never sent any of his Children to Capitol Hill but sent a lot of people's Children to Prison. The Whole world is watching and its a big shame for the Republican Party in General. Okay. 😭😭😜.

  10. As an activist in North Florida, I'm dismayed at your great advice for the Desantis campaign. What advice can you give us to counteract these heinous actions by this heinous man and our heinous legislature?

  11. Hannity heard trump say "I am not a has-been like Angela – remember her? Media used to talk about HER all the time, now, who remembers her?" — It was a classic example of saying the quiet part out loud ("I fear I am a has-been — I am a rooster turned feather duster"). So Hannity stepped in to save him by cutting out the self-flagellation in has-been, loser mode.

  12. I watch AB camping on YT and he is based in New Zealand. His last video he stated he hopes DeSantis wins because of "wokeness". Honestly, I don't get it. Where did the term "woke" come from? DeSantis, to me, is worse than Trump. I never disliked a person for being a republican, but the party is just so determined to gain power and make policy that is so against humanity…and yet proclaim to be Christians. I was taught the exact opposite in church. But the churches of today keep politics in their sermons and teach what I would say is anti-christ.

  13. You are laughing at the speech. Are you so inured to his bile? "Blood stained streets" he said. And "Barack Hussein Obama." And his litany of lies on his accomplishments including saving thousands from Covid. You call it low energy but at whatever energy level – it still was incendiary and depraved. You find depraved = boring. It is like being bored by Hitler after you already know about the death camps. WTF?

  14. It's ironic that he wants life sentences for drug pushers and as I recall it wasnt he himself pushing ivermectin for the cure of covid or something if that name, he pushes disinfection to be injected into oneself and a horse tranquilizer of some sort, so according to him he should get a life sentence

  15. I have noticed people have stopped speaking of TX after the election. Yes, TX is frustrating, and I have lived in Austin for 20 years. I 35 alone, UGH. After the election, I bought the book, Gone to Texas, because King of Hill shouldn't be my only reference to describe TX. Not even the winter of '19 power grid failure could get the people to abort Abbott outta office. TX's voters are a lot complicated, I guess. Or f#%king complacent.

  16. Trump has been under a lot of stress lately.. So of course he is taking a lot of tranquilizers. He was laternating between Aderal and benzos when he was president. But now is doing less leapers and more creapers to get through this routine that evan he is bored with.
    He has his own doc that writes him prescriptions like a champion. A "Croacker" in the words of 1940s junkies. A vanding man A writing doc. So he does not need drug dealers like he did when he was on coke. So he is free to call for the execution of drug dealers with worrying about his supply being cut off.


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