Trump Federal Indictment! Breaking News & Most Honest Reaction You’ll See!

Trump Federal Indictment! Breaking News & Most Honest Reaction You’ll See!

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49 thoughts on “Trump Federal Indictment! Breaking News & Most Honest Reaction You’ll See!”

  1. trump has been a Democrat his whole life, its very obvious he still is, just running on the republican ticket, says everything u want to hear.. tickling their ears…remind he said he has a lot of respect for thise 2.. the clintons.. he loves them

  2. I will never vote for trump again after 2020, with operation warp speed, the cares act and instigating the state of emergency so the lockdowns started. He had my support in 2016 but after 2020 i could never vote for him again. I will never give my consent to someone that strips my freedoms away.

  3. Oh my God when are you and everyone else going to understand one thing these people are not Republicans none of them what we have like two handfuls of true Republicans in the entire thousand party they spent 60 years putting this in place to take over our country to make it communist, you actually believe that we have real Republicans and power then you should not be doing this at all if that’s what you really think

  4. You can believe this or not, and you can pass it off as a conspiracy theory, but I saw the proof Obama and Clinton are 33° mason, which is the guise of the Satanist church. In fact a Satanist church founded the freemasons they are Satanists and it is a sexual accult, and they want to expose every child in America to sex. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

  5. Big Pharma owns everybody big Pharma literally owns everything we are screwed. We have to disband them. We also have to disband all the agency CIA, a FBI, WEOWHO the UN they’re all corrupted. Do you really think one man Trump could fight against all these people yeah he hired the wrong people. Maybe he hired them to keep his enemies close maybe he hired them instead of getting killed did you ever think about that?

  6. Go back in and also Fauci is a Satanist you mess with these people you are dead just like Epstein and no Trump hated Epstein you’re very wrong. If you anybody thinks he was a friend of his. They rub shoulders at parties and other things that’s it I’m telling you one thing Trump is not. He is not a pedophile. I’ll bet my life on that and I know I don’t have all this. I don’t like celebrities I’m not into any of these things. I’ve been able to see that stuff since I was very young literally like nostra Damas it’s really bizarre.

  7. I really think everyone is looking at this so so so wrong. We are being overtaken by communist whether you want to accept it and believe it or not.

  8. This is not about Democrat or or Republican. If it were nothing would be this way it’s about being overtaken our country is being seized. How can you not know and see it this is not about republican and democrat. This is about letting foreign communist come in and overtake our country.

  9. The funniest thing is, I saw this when I was so so young and I knew when Melrose stores in Hollywood started going out of business because people could not afford the leases because the communist had bought those stores that was the richest Street in Hollywood besides in a rodeo drive, and I knew way back then that this was happening

  10. I have super super rich relative close relative that moved away when I was a kid because they told me this very thing was going to happen. That’s unreal when I think about it now.

  11. There are no Republicans it’s communist and Democrats who are communist running as Republican’s, but there are no real Republicans in the republican party, and the few that there are have no power

  12. What’s funny is is Trump was always a Democrat he is a Democrat. He just simply saw that the democratic laws were Communistic and they weren’t working. They were killing our country. He saw that 30 years ago and he really is a Democrat that’s with the funniest thing is, he just wants the best for the country and the people in it in a year too stupid to see that man I don’t give a shit what mistakes made

  13. Did you know you cannot be brought into the freemasons without being recommended by another person who is in the freemasons the freemasons is a cloak for the Satanist religion and there’s a lot of people in our government and in Hollywood that are Satanist

  14. This is the truth. Really republican party don't care about us maybe just a few do and the democrats are evil. Remember Trump is an X democrat. Trump has good policies but terrible choice of aids and he trusts the wrong people and doesn't have good people skills. He wants to be liked. Well that ain't gonna work this time around. Crush evil and win.

  15. You are right the GOP are losers . They are the Washington Generals of politics . Constantly playing the losers to the Democrat Harlem Globetrotters in the game called politics .

  16. Dude…on the virus .. wtf? He wanted to save as many people as possible. His own VP fucked him over. He was the one bitching about lockdowns and masks and mandates…he was naive to think his own party was going to help him help the country and he appointed people the party convinced him were the best for the job. He was on his own . Save for few and he got what? He lost 100s of millions of his own money.. in legal fees and fines. For the good of the country he still fucking takes it. There isn't anyone else who will fight for your country…and there isn't a single politician including effing DeSantis who will do even a fraction. Trump did what he could with a senate and congress full of rinos and a bureaucracy full of saboteurs. On the vax.. he wanted to do whatever he could to save people cuz he believed they did too. He is anti effing vax but he wanted people to have the best chance of beating the virus unleashed purposely to turn Chinas crashing economy. .and he knew later it was to get him out!

  17. Why should we even care? People think that the state is "crossing a line", but they are merely putting on public display their intentions of having complete control, which they practically already have. This changes nothing and boo hoo for Trump, his fault for sitting with his thumb up his ass for the 4 years he was there surrounding himself with the worst people. I don't know why anybody expects anything different if he's in there again.

  18. If you take Trump's choices and actions at face value only you are correct, BUT, there are many who say there is a reason for all of this. I DO see and hear the many coms Trumps gives out. I do not listen to Q except for occasional interpretation by those who do. BUT, I DO see when Trump definitely gives the "air Q's" during his "proclamations"" ie rallies and speeches. The bottom line: there is more going on than what meets the eye.

  19. Seems every single word and thing Trump does has a purpose. Going to the pizza parlor, giving air Q signs, each capitalized or misspelled word- every single step; word, action is deliberate. There is much more going on in the background. But he definitely does not make "mistakes". The entire military is behind him, it is not just Trump. As Trump said when running for president. Jeb Bush asked who is going to vote for you…. Trump, two hundred generals are backing me. ie that means two hundred generals and all their divisions under them ie the military. Point blank. The mission is psyops, Trump is a 5 D chess player, this is 5 G warfare. It all has a purpose.

  20. I came to the same conclusion when our government sprayed Vietnam and our troops with AO and for decades after many American people made all sorts of jokes about it and made basically allot of fun out of it because after all it's didn't happen to them or anyone they loved now they are putting vaccines in our food. Hate to say I told ya so but I told you so. If the government is willing to do that to not only the enemy but our own boys then they won't think twice about doing it to everyone else and now it's coming to pass. I said that over 20 years ago. Nobody listened or cared.

  21. I appreciate the honesty. I also didn't like that he didn't lock that bytch Clinton up. Also the whole Julian Assage situation too. He hired the most garbage guy for the FBI and look at what that pos is doing, he has even refused to hand over the fbi paperwork of BIDEN and his crackheads son corruption. But to be honest, President Trump was new to Politics but he should have known better. I believe he would do the job better and finish it correctly this time around. He now sees more than ever the corruption to even a sitting President. OBAMA NEEDS TO BE LOCKED TF UP AND HIS MAN MICHAEL!!!! IT WAS ALREADT PROVEN THAT HE SPIED ON HIS CAMPAIGN WHEN RUNNING AND WHEN HE WAS A SITTING PRESIDENT and not to mention that the old kunt from 60 minutes owes President Trump a huge apology!!!! ANAMOLY, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAYING THIS AND YOUR HONESTY.


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