Troublemaker | Our Home 4K Short Film | South Fork American River | Whitewater Kayaking | #shorts

When I was younger I was terrified of water, now I have found myself unable to explore it enough. The joy, solitude, feeling of exploration and friendships made on the water are something I have come to deeply appreciate in my life. For years I have wanted to make a video to try and capture how special the stretch of water many of us in Northern California call home, The South Fork of the American River.

Flowing directly out of the mountains of Desolation Wilderness, these waters carve a path in the landscape and form 7 distinct Whitewater kayaking runs. Below Chili Bar damn, we have been fortunate enough to enjoy scheduled weekly releases for many years now. This section below the damn has become a proving ground for many. From beginner rapids on C to G to harder stretches on the Gorge and Chili Bar, this stretch of river has SOOOO much to offer boaters of all experience levels. This is the stretch of river that myself and many other amazing boaters call home and the thing i’ve come to appreciate is the shear magnitude of line variations these sections have to offer. I hope you enjoy watching individuals from all walks of life and experience levels as they take on in their own way the rapids the South Fork of the American River has to offer.

This project was filmed over a period of two years, edited over 6 months at around 140 hours… an enormous amount of love went into this : )

A big thanks to all that helped me get to where I am at now and to those patient enough to let me film them.

#shorts #sfa #troublemaker


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