Trouble In The Middle East. WATCH The Weather.

Trouble In The Middle East. WATCH The Weather.

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285 Berlin Turnpike Box 137
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28 thoughts on “Trouble In The Middle East. WATCH The Weather.”

  1. I think the story of Emily and Dennis blessed us all today. God is so so good 🙏❤️ Today's Scriptures:
    ‭Psalm 91:1-16 KJV‬
    [1] He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. [2] I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: My God; in him will I trust. [3] Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, And from the noisome pestilence. [4] He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. [5] Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; Nor for the arrow that flieth by day; [6] Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. [7] A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not come nigh thee. [8] Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold And see the reward of the wicked. [9] Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, Even the most High, thy habitation; [10] There shall no evil befall thee, Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. [11] For he shall give his angels charge over thee, To keep thee in all thy ways. [12] They shall bear thee up in their hands, Lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. [13] Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: The young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. [14] Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. [15] He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. [16] With long life will I satisfy him, And shew him my salvation.
    Timestamp: 0:33

    ‭Romans 5:19 KJV‬
    [19] For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
    Timestamp: 26:16

    ‭Romans 10:9-10 KJV‬
    [9] that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
    Timestamp: 36:38

  2. That was an amazing story about Emily… that gentleman had probably heard some of the best preachers on the planet. He’s probably had friends and family talk to him his whole life about Jesus, but all it took was that one little girl saying what she did…. There is an old saying… you can’t say the wrong thing to the right person

  3. People need to realize that standing with Israel is not political. Standing with Israel is Biblical. Nothing to do with government anywhere whatsoever. Did you see what happened in Moscow? This isn’t about government. It’s about radical Islamic jihad takeover. A Israeli friend of mine said, buckle up, they are not just coming for the Jews. They are coming for Christians and non believers. They do not care who we are! Be prepared!

  4. Thank you for the encouragement! What a beautiful testimony. My landlord is 93, and in poor health, he doesn't believe in Lord Jesus. Can you please pray for him?

  5. God bless my Watchman River family and God bless you Dennis! To God be all the Glory!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Praise God!!! My heart is overjoyed with such happiness. Out of the mouth of a babe…. it's amazing what can happen when a seed is planted❤🙏🏾

  6. Dear Tom I just want to tell you thank you for all the times that you talked about jesus. Tell your wife thank you for sharing you with us. And I know Jesus hears everything you say. I thank you for your time did you take to do this everyday a sister in Christ Jesus

  7. Dennis your story made me happy and cry. I am older then Tom and know what it’s like to have blood relatives that aren’t much for caring I thank God for me being adopted into his and being your brother ❤

  8. A 9 yr old little girl. So beautiful…tears if joy in the livingroom….my daughter and I are new Christians. I shared this with her and we watched it together. Much love Dennis and prayers. See you in Heaven. 🙏🏽✝️❤

  9. What a wonderful story and that a little child saved a man almost a century old.
    I have always believed from a child (raised Catholic because my mother was told I would get a better education ) well it gave me the smarts to search out the truth about Jesus' life and the TRUTH. HALLELUJAH

  10. Tom that young man gives me great hope. God promised he would restore my family. They look really promising but Satan is afraid of our family. Please I can have it now rather than later!!! What God foes is wonderful. No promising me always accept this great promise. He is wonderful for my family b almost then not now. Not much time left. I know he is doing a wrk. Help me pray!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤ I love you all!!! Pray for my eyes loosing eye health double vision and headaches. If Judy a few of his miricals and we will win. Love Tom and faithful prayer warriors!!! ❤❤❤Amen

    es in Him. Please everyone help me see promise soon or ZHis perfect timing


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