Trevor Reed describes conditions in Russian prison and fearing for his life

Former US Marine Trevor Reed speaks with CNN’s Jake Tapper about his time as a prisoner in Russia, following Reed’s recent return to the United States. #CNN #News


41 thoughts on “Trevor Reed describes conditions in Russian prison and fearing for his life”

  1. Dear ZELENSKY and people of UKRAIN,,,
    COMMING Friday ,,June 3rd 2022 I request all the♥️ people of UKRAIN ( UKRAIN military soldiers,,and generals in the war field ,,as well ,,)and world🇩🇲🇩🇴🇨🇼🇨🇻 CHRISTIANS ,,fix it to PRAY God for God to speak to PUTIN,,
    Amen 🙏
    Romans 2:9-10
    9 There will be suffering and pain for all those who do what is evil, for the Jews first and also for the Gentiles.
    This verse led me to trust in God believe God that i was comforted ,,,( because I don't want a gentile enjoy this world ,,no matter if I am not getting it ,😁😁😁,)
    Russia or anyone,,
    But if it is evil ,what ,they do ,,
    God will watch it ,,,
    So we can believe God , jesus christ and Bible,,,
    After this verse God began to comfort me with VERSES of whenever I got fear ( even my fear of morning duty ,,but a verse about Jesus all that goes in to stomach,,,😁😁😁,)
    Sometimes I she'd tears because in our troubles or fear ,,the verse of God given to us reminded by spirit is more comforting than even if we are getting a permanent solution in it ( for example;:-👍🏽or diseases and cure ,,)
    Ukrain people and zelensky ,,,
    Philippines chapter 1 says about why and how apostle Paul was bold courageous,,,
    Because death 😁 is a gain ,,so he never ever in his life ( even in the whole past ,,)feared death ,,So as now in his present trial ( he is jail facing death sentence,,),,,
    But he is hopeful to be released and live a useful vessel to the church believers ,,,
    I request Zelensky ukrain 💙 to learn to praise God ,sing God or worship,,( sit ,or seek a place ,,)
    Because this is permanent ,,we have to learn this ,,
    This will be seen in practice in heaven 😂😂😂😂
    Two things are very important for a person to live in this world without guilty conscience,,,,,,,
    1 john 2:-16,,,1 Peter 4:-1,2 ,,,and rest of the verses chapters in these two books are very much useful for my life ,
    Prayer thanks giving and good works ,,
    These three will help you get rid of guilty conscience 🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏,,
    Psalm 147:_- Praise The Lord . How Good It Is To Sing Praises To Our God, How Pleasant And Fitting To Praise1 Him!
    God bless all of you 🙏🙏🙏
    Topic :-
    1 Peter chapter 4 tells us to steadfast in doing good works ,,( in bad circumstances also ,,)
    Why ,,!?
    Because it will help us taste the love of God ,,( help you done with sin ,as well ,)
    Thank you Jesus

  2. It's called "punitive psychiatry" – a widespread practice in Russian lawinforcement, an old sovied legacy that targets primarely political dicidents or other convictes who oppose prison's officials.

    How is it that Americans like Brittany Griner were not told to stay away from Russia because Russia was holding Americans as hostages? Why isn't there a no-fly list for Russia?

  4. Hi Americans, don't you have prisons in which very dangerous criminals, the mentally disturbed, the deranged, are herded together in recreational areas!? You really don't have prisons like that? You really don't have prisons in which you are free to walk around without running the risked of being attacked, of being stabbed with some handmade weapon?!

  5. Respect. 3 years in the Rus prison system is like 6 years in a Cali prison. You must understand, having a indeterminate sentence is torture itself. I fully understand having no hope in fear it will be taken back at the whims of Putin.

  6. You know I just realized that he was Obama's like personal marine / bodyguard for some time and Obama just left him in a Russian prison for 3 years? It is not like Obama wouldn't have tremendous ability to get him out . Shows you how terrible he truly is ,. Never mentioned Trevor

  7. I think honestly after knowing some of the facts, that all was a plot to lure him into that. In my opinion, I think his GF was involved in all that. The circumstances are really suspicious. The Russians are experts in those kind of scenarios, after knowing what are capable of. I really mistrust the people surrounded this case. All the Russian brides on internet and dating people specifically from there. I mean, he is or was the perfect victim to do so. i think even the trip to Moscow was part of the plot, who knows.. But for me was so. This is just my poor opinion of course but the facts: How he met this woman (dating website-internet, dangerous field to start a romantic relationship), and specially Russia, that was the "hook", 2) his job- US Marine, 3) The "party", 3) He being drunk, (and russians are expert with substances, poison, drugs and so on), 4) the "friends" involved, 5) The charges, 6) the trip to Moscow (that was fundamental), he had to be brought to Moscow; the only place i guess his arrest was gonna be possible. I think many Russian civilians stand for their regime, much more than Americans and western people may think. They are good actors, they told u what u wanna hear but close doors in another reality, we saw that with Putin himself.. That's my opinion. All was carefully plotted.


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