Tree Sentinel is an Educator | Elden Ring

A video talking about Tree sentinel and what he is trying to show the player.


47 thoughts on “Tree Sentinel is an Educator | Elden Ring”

  1. Fight dudes on horses while also on horseback yourself- makes a world of difference . fun fact, when using the flail you spin it while charging an r2, and while on horseback you actually damage enemies while spinning the flail during the charge. Great weapon for on horseback 👍

    also, poison is pretty good in this game. found a poison buff spell, used it in margit and it took of like half of his health. closest to ds2 poison in speed, and it’s puke green again

  2. I died 20+ times to the tree sentinel. Base weapon got me to 20-30%. Got the horse and instantly clapped him after.
    I count that a 1 for 1 tho. xD
    I think i would have forced it but i only had 2h to play and wanted to see more! 😍

  3. First time fighting tree sentinel… the real difficulty was the fps and stuttering.. so I waited a day and a new patch came out and I actually could fight him fairly and beat him, now I’m excited for when they properly optimise the game but 20hrs in it’s a blast!!

  4. I'd like to point out that from software always does this in a way. They always put an entirely optional endgame difficult enemy towards the start of the game. In ds1 there are 2 black knights in the undead berg. one under a bridge guarding a ring and the other up a tower. Both are completely optional dead end paths. In ds2 if you follow the monster footprints you will run into a cyclops monster. In ds3 a tutorial message will tell you "turn back" that leads to a giant crystal lizard. Also the master wielding a katana before the firelink shrine that wreaked all of us first time. In bloodbourne there is a giant hooded executioner in the yharnam starting area. He looks like he might be guarding something but he is not. He is just in a cramped space completely optional.

  5. The only thing that tree sentinel taught me was that the game is poorly optimized and drops frames like a motherfucker when an enemy moves around a lot :v

  6. I took your advice and picked wretched. It's been fun so far. Also I actually didn't fight tree sentinel until after progressing the story 😅. He looked scary so I avoided him and when I came back (I wasn't too far) I cheesed him with a bow.

  7. My friends and I all hopped in together, summoned each other up once we were able… Which was almost immediately, and our first goal: Kill the Tree Sentinel.

    About thirty seconds later, our goal shifted to: Anything but the Tree Sentinel.

    Tree Sentinel is an excellent teacher.

  8. nah fuck that. ill spent 30 minutes banging my head against his shield and take his halberd.

    Also don't fight him at the bottom of the hill – there's weird, more likely frame stuttering down there for some reason.

  9. Honestly when he’s going down his trail when he gets between two rocks you can a lot of good swipes on him if you just run around him in circles until phase two when he starts smashing the ground with shield when he has about 30% I would then go on foot and gait his horse feet slam attack.

  10. I never even bothered as by this point I do not trust the developers. I assumed that it was a over stat buffed mob that exist solo to trick stupid consumers into thinking they faced up against a challenge,

  11. Just beat the tree sentinel my first time as wretch I got to lvl 14 got me club no armor me horse and jelly fish and spent an hour and thirty minutes wacking dying wacking dying but damn killing him felt good!!

  12. I actually found it easy as wretch, just needed some levelups in vigor to not get oneshot, and some smithing shards to upgrade my club to +3, afterwards it was just Jump R2 until he got staggered (3-4 Jump R2s should do it), rinse and repeat

  13. I had so much fun fighting him, I managed to beat him the first try, but I watched him for a couple minutes before trying to attack. Steed carried me the whole fight >.> won with a sliver of his and no flasks.

  14. Bruh, I beat him as fresh wretch because in my mind I thought that he's one of the obligatory boss that I have to beat to get the horse, only to greeted by a halberd that I can't even use.

  15. I beat him on horseback just to help deal with his speed. It was so fun this way but I get people wanting to test themselves right away. I love how the big nasties walk amongst the small ones too. The whole world is amazing I hardly knew where to begin at first but this is day 3 for me and I'm finally starting to get used to it. One of the best games of all time.

  16. Hey Ratatoskr, I noticed when talking to Ofnir that he’s got a several eyes on his torso. Considering he’s all knowing, could this be a possible reference and hint for a bloodborne esque insight in the lore?

  17. The error is not Elden Rings, people new to the series are maybe coming from playing other titles, like BOTW SKYRIM or TW which they carry you till the end. My tip for those people is. You need to take this as it is, is a video game, there is no game over and no real risks, you can die as many times as you need, if you’re learning on why you died then you’ll improve, is simple muscle memory, enjoy the world and explore it and while you do it, create a system to keep you safe from losing runes. It may seem unfair, but souls series is like life itself, everything is hard at the beginning until you know how to do it properly, sometimes you just need to change your mindset

  18. i did learn to ignore him, but clearly ignored that later on lol. killed the draconic Sentinel when it would 1 shot just because i thought i could. also the biggest reason its not worth is you never get that much satisfaction and souls again, and the other bosses seem weak and poor. also upgrade your weapons, like go out of ur way.

  19. There's a something that the blacksmith Hewg says in Roundtable Hold that I feel kind of embodies this game's spirit, and maybe all of the Soulsborne games: "Given Time, Technique Never Fails." Given time, patience, and mastery of the game's mechanics, you attain the skills, the techniques needed to succeed. Experience teaches many lessons, and you learn more from failure than you do success. Failure is the whetstone that hones your sword sharp enough to cut through any challenge.

  20. I feel like he was designed to be fought again on turret. He is much more bearable that way and honestly I think it’s way more fun to joust him than to fight him on foot.


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