Treasures In The Mail On Viewer Mail Day

Mail Day! A big thank you to all of my viewers and senders of such wonderful treasures!
#mailday #viewermail
Follow me on Instagram @paperandmoose


21 thoughts on “Treasures In The Mail On Viewer Mail Day”

  1. I was so excited to see you open the box my husband and I sent! Of course you can do a slideshow with the photographs. I did them off that app and saved on my phone. Then went and had them printed. The app lets you do colored if you want to, so I did a couple. I knew you would love the Uncle Sam. The app is called FilmBox by Photomyne. You just hold it over the negative and it shows you the picture! WAY COOL! My mom would of been so happy to see you enjoy her items. The jacket "Hot Shot" she never wore. Some of the cards are written in German from my moms family.

  2. Great items as ushuall! The bright green biker club jacket, perfect for St. Paddy's Day. Like a number of moons ago, may need to do a fashion show video again? I'll meet you in Niagara Falls, we'd be on opposite sides of the river, but could use binoculars and wave🙋‍♂️. How many Christmas trees must you get out now, 10, 15, 20? Stay well 👍👍

  3. Renee – I'm still struggling with my tooth, and the root canal hasn't been done yet as I sit here I have a hot water bottle on my jaw !
    Dentist can't do procedure as I have a nasty infection now . I look like those cartoons figures you see with a bandage round their faces and a bumpy cheek !
    So I was so pleased when I saw your vlog to cheer me up. Such lovely gifts today too.
    Did you have a spooky Halloween?
    I was hoping to see your costume 🧙‍♀️ .
    How is this November? I guess I better do my Christmas list !!
    Glad to see you back on Etsy keeping my eye out for something I fancy !Take Care out there
    Janice 👵 🇬🇧 xxx

  4. Oh, boy…will I get a call from Little Pam?????????????? Your "choppers" look nice video! You'll find some neat frames at your thrift store…I have done this and saved much cash! My vintage radio and phonograph specialties were (and are) cabinet restoration and record changer repair. Two experts in electronic trouble shooting are passed away…my dad and a good friend John, who lived to be 100years-6 months! Well…losing his horns is not so bad…as he has a chance to become an angel! I think It's time for a fashion show?

  5. This dentist thing again, why do you go there? I am sure I saw you bought or was sent a shitlo… (sorry, wrong channel, no bad language here) whole lot of new teeth! Change them out yourself for free! Some WD40 to loosen the old one, and glue the new in with superglue. Don't pay for things you have, I don't pay for an angry neighbor! Or piss on her stairs. Yes, Cat did, but hey, a cat is gonna cat. Oh, btw, nice hair.


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