Traquinniad 2085, prototype (unfinished short film)

More detailed asset shots can be found on my artstation:

This is a short film i’ve spent the lion’s share of my spare time on for roughly a two and a half year period. This project initally started as a series of experiments in 3D modelling (in an attempt to learn it to an at least passable level) and ended up growing into a giant imagined world of hard science fiction and also a bit of a love-letter to the extensive atomic rockets design literature. I think i’ve managed to secure the basics of 3D (as an artform) pretty firmly under this project, every model has been made by hand with some timelapses even included on this channel. I wanted this project to be like the digital equivilent of making a nice sculpture.

Due to time constraints imposed by some recent academic opportunities I find myself unable to complete this short film across a respectable foreseeable timespan. Whats shown here is ~40% of what was planned for this short.
The animation work done here is rough and lacks any clear story, nevertheless its aesthetic serves as a good insight into something I’d like to carry forward with future work if I ever find the time.

I’ll include some brief works about the plans for Traquinniad for all those interested. Traquinniad is an imagined history of the 21st ceuntry in which mankind encounters extreme perils stemming from pursuits of transhumanisim, artificial organism engineering and exploration of psychological spaces above (or adjacent) to the ones we occupy now through AI applications. The essence of Traquinniad is that the lovecraftian is very much technologically realisable, yet humanity still has the capacity to overcome seemingly impossible odds. Despite its planned tone being grim and clinically technically oriented (with a significant focus on factors such as engineering constraints), its an overall hopeful tale.
Some notes on what was planned for this short can be found by enabiling the subtitles.

Thats all for now.


24 thoughts on “Traquinniad 2085, prototype (unfinished short film)”

  1. yooo this is incredible, so …"alienating" lol
    The animation the modeling, almost fractal, all give an image I fatigue to comprehend
    Its like you learned modeling and cinema on an other planet
    You know Im seeing this while being a bit high and im only saying this because Im simply more immersed, and wow midway trought I had the feeling this could the best depiction of a technology so far away in the future that I simply cannot compprehend what is happening in any part of the film just like a 1400 man would have no clue what the hell is happening in a normal day or moment in a modern cosmopolitan metropolis. So….
    Really otherwordly , in every sense of the meaning.
    One of my favorite piece of media of all time!

  2. Dude the deets and shots on this one are insane! Love to have seen the process throughout the past few months. You ought to finish this one when you can 😀

  3. Holy space age clockwork cathedral what the HECKBALLS 40% complete???

    (Just to clarify, I support whatever decision regarding this short's development, but if it came to next steps would you need help? Funding? A patient audience?)

  4. Wow, love that this was made in Blender and love the short film animation too. Guess I should become subscriber number 948 and hope you put out some more content 😀

  5. okey, some of the animation was jerky, but the card flip at 10:09 was crazy and all the models are divine
    another thing is (i think, my knowledge in this is severly lacking) depth of field, at times i cannot tell if im looking at crazy detailed Miniatures or if everything is giantic/the camera is ant sized (this is mostly coming from me watching insect videos, on those things in frame have crazy detailed but everything behind the bug is blurred like hell)(example: 13:05)

  6. This was beautiful. Had no idea what to expect when clicking on the video so it really blew me away. This amazing art style that takes elements of gothic, classic and futuristic space vessels and blends them all together as if they were never separate in the first place. Incredible art direction!

  7. I've been following your work on Artstation since I ran across the helium drinker model a year ago. Huge fan of the aesthetic, maybe a little high on the intricate detail side for my brain to fully process but I'm all for it. As a fellow hard surface modeler who's been on and off with the consistency of my work, I have to say I love the commitment and dedication put into this project and the passion. I too have had to let many projects settle in the dust due to education-related time constraints and I totally know the feeling. Theo Bouvier also happens to be one of many of my inspirations too. Love the project, little sad to see it end. Hope your education takes you further and higher to be able to pursue more projects like this in the future.


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