Trapped for 872 days! The siege of Leningrad #ww2

Experience the harrowing and heroic story of the Siege of Leningrad, one of World War II’s most devastating and inspiring episodes. For 872 days, the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) endured relentless encirclement by Nazi and Finnish forces. Discover how its citizens and defenders faced unimaginable hardships, from extreme food rationing to brutal winters, yet displayed unyielding resilience.

In this video, we delve into:

The strategic importance of Leningrad and the beginning of the siege.
The daily life and struggles of the city’s residents under blockade.
The lifeline of the ‘Road of Life’ across frozen Lake Ladoga.
The cultural and spiritual resistance, including the famous Shostakovich Symphony No. 7.
The Soviet offensives that eventually broke the siege.
The aftermath and lasting legacy of this monumental struggle.
#WWII #WorldWarII #LeningradSiege #SiegeOfLeningrad #LeningradBlockade #StPetersburg #History #WW2History #NaziGermany #SovietUnion #EasternFront #RoadOfLife #Shostakovich #HeroicStories #Survival #Resilience #MilitaryHistory #WWIIStories #OperationBarbarossa #HistoricalDocumentary #WarHistory #LeningradHistory #WWIITribute #SovietResistance


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