Trapped At The Bottom of The Sea, He is Forced to Cut Off His Friends' Oxygen

After an awful storm destroys their ship, four divers get stuck in a diving bell and must find ways to make the oxygen last while waiting to be rescued.

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38 thoughts on “Trapped At The Bottom of The Sea, He is Forced to Cut Off His Friends' Oxygen”

  1. I always thought they are like 1000meters deep… they were only 50 Meters deep, which is even swimable while holding your breath (Decompression might kill you, but def you wont drown)

  2. I’m a professional freediver and yea one time I dived 80 meters and almost died i was seeing images of sharks whales ,basically sea creatures like 2 meters away from me and its a terrifying experience and yes I passed out when my eyes were closing and I could not move my arms i accepted my fate but i still freedive and speer fish every day!

  3. i feel like the scene with jones and his wife underwater should have been the ending scene with engal (or whatever his name was) not necessarily the exact same thing, but that engal sees his wife as he dies.

  4. I hate how stupid this movie is. Running out of oxygen instead of build up of CO2 and fighting the heat and humidity, no helium voices even though the air would have been a mix at depth, everything stays pressurized even though they've lost power and the tether, radio working just fine. Not trying to just swim up even though they're relatively close to the surface and have diving gear with masks and air. It's just so dumb and poorly thought out when they could have truly shown the terror of being trapped at the bottom of the sea.

  5. How did the one guy get stung to death by jelly fish. Onlt his hand was exposed and if it was the kind of jelly fish that can kill from one touch he would not have been able to ger the becon to work after the first sting and if its just the kind that hurts then how does one hand do that.


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