Transforming Old, Broken Furniture into Useful Pieces

The tables and benches in many schools in Lumbini have a very simple design without the space to keep school bags and workbooks. As a result, the students could only place their school bags on the table and stack their books on top, which is highly inconvenient for reading and writing. After getting to know Tzu Chi volunteers, the principal of Ram Janaki School reached out to them with the hope of addressing this issue.

In the classrooms of Ram Janaki School in Lumbini, broken tables and benches were haphazardly piled up in disarray.

Principal, Trilokee Nath Srivastav
This area belongs to those in poverty. Even the school is also very poor. There’re no (additional) income sources.

As there isn’t enough space, some children can only sit on the floor for classes, while other students have to put their textbooks on their school bags to read and write, which is very difficult. Tzu Chi volunteers were saddened by the sight and wanted to help the principal improve the situation.

Is it okay to put the school bag here?

Principal, Trilokee Nath Srivastav
That’s why I really appreciate Tzu Chi Foundation. They’ve (helped revamp) tables and benches in my school.

The tables and benches were given a new structure and design and were painted to enhance appearance and protection. Together, Tzu Chi and local volunteers transformed the old and worn-out furniture into newly refurbished pieces.

Nepal Volunteer, Santosh
I feel very happy to help repair the benches. The teachers and students are excited too and they’re looking forward to the refurbished tables and benches.

The pickup truck isn’t just carrying the refurbished furniture that the students have been anticipating, but it also represents their new hope for a happy and healthy learning environment.


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