Trail Cam Captures What No One Was Supposed to See

The inventor of the trail cam had one goal: to provide humanity with an exciting new means of documenting the comings and goings of wild animals. For the most part, the groundbreaking device has successfully accomplished this mission. On occasion, however, a trail cam captures what nobody was supposed to see.

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48 thoughts on “Trail Cam Captures What No One Was Supposed to See”

  1. Honestly it looks like a dog that has been cruelly abused by humans and it looks like it's just trying to keep itself away from them looks like it has poodle in it now that's sad that someone would try to turn that into a cryptic animal

  2. If I saw a frail ass, creepy, hunched over freak creeping through my yard late at night it would be in its best interest to stand up straight and run for its life if it sees or even hears me coming. I'm pretty crazy when it comes to protecting me and mine.

  3. Yeah. That’s no bear. Look at how thin the arms are. How long and wide the snout is. The pointy ears. It also appears to have thin legs. That’s either a dude in a costume. Or an actual Dog Man. And I don’t think that’s a boat. Just some random thing sitting at a weird angle to the camera.

    The “wolf man” the zoo took a pic of is the worst wolf costume I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe they seriously let that pic get uploaded on the internet. It’s probably the same dude in the other pics. Lol!

  4. That looks like a dogman. I wonder if those 3 lites were on fishing line hung in front of camera it looks just to convient plus almost looks like light beam may show line or just the beam I'm seeing.Well the werewolf was supposedly a man in a suit I read article of man explaining who it was.

  5. How about doing some actual research on Dogman and educate yourself instead of pushing dumb claims.
    The photo you're using during that portion was taken out the back window of a car as it was chased by one.

  6. So antlers regrow every year, but somehow "one side" was inconvenienced for 3 whole seasons?
    You and other narrators say the most stupid, contradictory comments and they're NEVER corrected either.
    It's as if not a single person proof reads for a quality and consistency in the videos.

  7. Hey I hope the wildlife officials no that jaguars are historically native to the southwest USA for hundreds of years. It is not unusual. They were hunted mercilessly in the 1800s until they were extirpated from the US. That is a fact. Young folks need to do there research before talking.


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