Traditional Chinese Medicine is Trash!

Can we really trust TCM?

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Living in China for so long, we would like to share some of the comparisons that we have found between China and the west, and shed some light on the situation.

Every week, we take you to a new place in China on our bikes, cover a topic, and reply to your questions.

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Cartoon feat. Jüri Pootsmann – I Remember U
Track : Cartoon feat. Jüri Pootsmann – I Remember U


45 thoughts on “Traditional Chinese Medicine is Trash!”

  1. The source of the poison appears to be contaminated "Mr. Right brand Kaempferia Galanga Powder and Mr. Right brand Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii" as indicated in a CityNews artical 2022 October 26. Last person poisoned didn't even go to that diner.

  2. When I moved to California I was warned about earthquakes and people doing stuff to your food. When I was a kid my mother and I went to Mexico City and we're fed poop. In junior high(near Toronto '85I got to feed all the jocks, cookies with flies made me feel great.

  3. Did you guys know that the 3rd and 4 the leading cause of death in USA…was do to mixed drugs prescribed by USA doctor's as shown in jama ….USA academic journey….in 1998 and 1994….so guys all medicine is based on homeopathic…plants medicine…..and all standard oil families including Rockefellers hired the best homeopathic healers of the time while investing synthetic pharmaceuticals which can be monopolized with big money…..and today the usa has five of the largest pharmaceutical companies globally of the top 10…..and most recently the Sackler family has become the USA largest legal drug company also flooding opiates into the illegal drug trade… you guys are just pushing propaganda

  4. I pinky-swear I'm not a wumao, but Aconitine can be used as a (cheap) analgetic in small doses. In theory.

    However, as with most herbal medicine, in practice dosage is VERY hard to get right – it varies tremendously by plant part, location, age, season, etc. And a little overdose can be harmful or even lethal.

    So Chinese are kinda sorta correct – nearly all medicines ARE poisons in wrong dosages (although not all – but many – poisons can be used as medicine) – except that traditional medicine is usually impractical to use when you can just buy normal tested medicine in precise dosages that doesn't spoil, has side effects listed, and so on.

    That is not always the case though – for example, some herbals teas are good-enough cheap replacements for therapeutic drugs for some chronic conditions. Not to mention food containing vitamins and other vital substances is usually preferred to taking vitamin supplements as a pill, i.e. citrus fruit are great sources of vitamin C, and it's not important if you take 3 times recommended dosage.

    A LOT of treatment is supportive, like common cold medicine does not actually do anything to the infection at all – just helps you get through. In that case using herbal medicine instead is okay as long as you understand its implications, it may taste better for example.

    Over-the-counter medicines are also often dosed very roughly because they have to work on both obese and thin people for example so they are not always helpful with that as well.

  5. Thanks for saying it, but traditional Chinese Medicine has MANY flawed points. Rhinoceros horn is identical in make up as human fingers nails, and does nothing to cure, it's just a keratin fiber. I will say there are some proven herbs from this cultural set up, turmeric, ginger and valerian, ect that do help with some simple issues like muscle cramps, nausea and sleep issues, but trying to cure cancer, COVID and other major health issues are NOT okay, and skipping on a real modern doctor for these limited treatments is going to end in so many unnecessary deaths.

  6. I had a bad neck cramp once while working in China, it hurt so bad that I couldn't hold my head upright let alone move it. The hospital took an x-ray and gave me some herbal medicine to take, it was a really weird experience.
    It also astounds me how hot the Chinese drink their water/tea and eat their soup. I saw a man feeding his grandchild scalding soup after a minor blow on the spoon to cool it. Like, a half-second, tops.

  7. I am a green tea drinker, my non chines brand was not available so I tried a chinese brand. It was horrible, it tasted like chemicals. The chinese don't have the same standards for growing things as the rest of the world

  8. The original classic movie staring Lon Chaney, Jr. called “The Wolf Man” the poem that if one is bitten by a werewolf “Even if a man is pure in heart,
    And says his prayers by night,
    Will turn into a wolf,
    When the wolf’s bane blooms,
    And the moon is full and bright.”
    And sa

  9. Biggest problem of TCM is the number of endangered species that are used in their preparation, the worst is black bear livers. I think tigers are used in something too. Superstition can kill.

  10. I don't use much TCM but comon… that girl listened to her mom to diagnose a cyst on her spine??? Yeah… no shit 跌打酒 will not work on that. I found that Sanjin Watermelon Frost works like super fast. Don't say that is trash!

  11. Tcm from mom and pop shops may appear very sketchy but those who underwent rigorous testing can be used. Some hospitals used these drugs since they are approved by the countrys FDA and they are effective. Most drugs has its roots from herbs and plant roots. But relying entirely on these medicines for myriad of ailments is bad choice.

  12. Ha! Years back, while living in Dongguan, my dad, who was struggling with asthma in the USA, asked me to send him some CTM tea that he researched and was supposed to be a miracle cure. I asked my Chinese office guy if he could get it. He said "what the hell you want that shit for?" Anyway, he got some for me to send. It looked like a big ounce of weed…baggie and all. Needless to say, when it was finally delivered to my dad, the package was open – inspected by customs obviously and didn't help him at all. Another page in the book.

  13. 88% of all countries are estimated to use traditional medicine, such as herbal medicines, acupuncture, yoga, indigenous therapies and others. One hundred seventy Member States report the use of traditional medicine. Their priority request to WHO is for evidence and data to inform policies, standards and regulatory frameworks for safe, cost-effective and equitable service. Traditional medicine has been a vital resource for health for centuries in communities worldwide, and it is still a mainstay for some with inequities in access to conventional medicine. Traditional medicine's sociocultural practice and biodiversity heritages are invaluable resources to evolve inclusive, diverse, sustainable development. Traditional medicine is also part of the growing trillion-dollar global health, wellness, beauty, and pharmaceutical industries. Over 40% of pharmaceutical formulations are based on natural products and landmark drugs, including aspirin and artemisinin, originated from traditional medicine. However, there are too many charlatans peddling traditional medicine and homeopathy.

  14. You have to Understand, For China, Traditional Medicine is good, because it's called "Suicide by Bad Choices and Lies"
    I myself a Taiwanese, there is Traditional medicine here but even they don't overly boost their effect compare to the Western stuff, even they know what can and what cannot, aside from the bad actors who does these but there are bad actors in all other countries, not surprising that some are just made up Lies.
    But for China? Best Medicine is a Traditional way of mixing Lead dust with Elephant powder so they can die from lead poisoning as long as it earns those "Traditional Medicine" Doctors money that they clearly don't give a shit about their customers
    Got to love how This Trash medicine method got inherit generation by generation throughout Mainland history and how those Chinese still get fooled by this scam.
    I'm not a heartless bastard but I sure hope those CCP Loyalist NEVER Touch those Westerner Medicine, leaving the medicine to those who needs and doesn't put politics to their everyday lives, Needle injection is a Western medical technology, they better go back and use the "eating lead' method.

  15. The University of Maryland Medical School had a branch dedicated to TCM / western medicine cooperation. The doctor who headed the unit eventually quit because he came to the conclusion that TCM was useless.

  16. I think America has the same problem with the supplement industry. But yes, it’s not just the Chinese that have these heresay, old wives-tales remedies. It’s a problem in general.

  17. True traditional Chinese medicine was wiped out by Chairman Mao… Do you think BIG FARMA is better???
    Give us a history lesson on John D Rockefeller, Bill Gates, the ANGEL OF DEATH and so on.

  18. When I was a child many years ago, we were taking a walk with my grandparents. My sister picked a flower and my papa went mental. Made us find a stream while we were getting a lecture on picking unknown plants. In Scotland it’s called wolfsbane.

  19. "Traditional Chinese Medicine is Trash!"
    Be like any other old remedy no doubt. Maybe even acted like mind over matter.
    But with the amount of messing with bugs, diseases and the food chain that has been going on for the last 100 or so years, traditional remedies most likely have become obsolete. Speshully if they are 5000 years old. 🤔


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