Tractor Beams are HILARIOUSLY Broken – Destroy ANYTHING free! | Cosmoteer Steam Release Gameplay

Pushing allies and enemies alike into the sun for fun, profit and war crimes. As long as It doesn’t become aggressive the tractor beam can kill ANY type of ship/station as long as you have enough tractor beams and size!

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27 thoughts on “Tractor Beams are HILARIOUSLY Broken – Destroy ANYTHING free! | Cosmoteer Steam Release Gameplay”

  1. Why don't you do a LaserShip and combine beams never combining more than two into a crystal for maximum output and possibly look into Loop feeding two crystals with a focusing Crystal near the middle front of your ship although that's pretty advanced

  2. There’s about three interesting ship designs I can think of right away:

    – Nurgle’s Cauldron: a dedicated nuke silo with lots of shielding and point defense to bombard an enemy with overwhelming missile swarms.

    – Tzeentch’s Sight: A railgun ship designed to be as long as possible, with the gun stretching the entire allowed length. Bonus points for multiple rainguns. Cookie if you can make it maneuverable enough to flank an enemy from max range while the Wrath keeps it preoccupied.(Just as planned.)

    – Slaanesh’s Grasp: Dedicated tractor beam ship with lots of tractors and strong thrusters to move anything and everything around freely. Potential uses include but are not limited to moving ship corpses near a station to group all the loot together for easy sale, moving asteroids to act as a sponge shield to soak up weapons fire and ram enemies with giant rocks, yeeting enemies into the sun, bringing entire stations with you on salvage runs, and much more. What more screams Slaanesh than giving everyone that good succ and tug?

    Lots of fun ideas to play with. Love the series. Makes me want to pick up the game myself. Keep having fun!

  3. I think I'd like to see some nukes in action.

    Hear me out: a ship like those broadsiders but covered in EMP, HE, and nuke launchers. The EMPs will act as support, the HEs will distract the point defense, and the nukes will do the damage.

    Maybe you should get a mini-fleet of these dreadnought things, each with a different type of arsenal. Malal's Wrath is a deckgun barrage – why not a laser barrage, a railgun barrage, a missile barrage, an ion beam barrage. Nothing would be able to stand in your way.

  4. Maybe a small support craft thats just very fast and goes for weakspots, or uses tractor tech to lock down the enemy so the wrath can face the weakspots, would be interesting to see a "cooperative" fleet

  5. A missle craft or a kind of mother ship/hanger craft.
    Meaning one big collection of many small and individual weak ships. But they’d be very fast and maneuverable crafts with point defense.
    Essentially there to harass enemy fire power and if you give them some disrupters and laser weaponry, I think it would work fairly well.

    Although, missle craft with lots of missles would be amazing to watch. Just because of watching a rain of missles pepper enemy defenses. Or even better, watching missles all release from the side of the craft and guide in on the target would also be awesome to watch.

  6. Railgun artillery with some EMP support sounds good. And like others have said, manoeuvre heavy, let malal tank whilst it goes for the soft underbelly.
    Oh, and because you seemingly didn't notice: when disrupters hit the barrel of a railgun, they shut it down, preventing the railgun from firing so long as its under constant disrupter fire.

  7. I would like to see a long range railgun assassin ship. You could use that to target weak points from afar. I’d say if you had more credits to build a tank to distract while the railgun circles to the back of the enemy as a two ship squad. The wrath is more of a multi utility ship at this point


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