Tracks nightclub hosts vigil after Club Q deadly shooting

Tracks nightclub in Denver hosted a gathering after the Club Q deadly shooting.


21 thoughts on “Tracks nightclub hosts vigil after Club Q deadly shooting”

  1. Just said they would do the same thing for the people that are killed in Chicago on a daily basis if you could do it for Warren you do it for all I mean all Americans that get killed on a daily basis if you can put this out for one mass shooting you can do all things for all mass shootings and everybody that is dying due to gun violence yeah it’s been six years it could’ve been prevented with proper security and proper police presence if you know these things are going to happen and it happened six years ago and it’s going to happen again and again and again until somebody steps up and have proper security proper police force and educate the public I’m just saying

  2. THE CITY of DENVER AND COUNTY BUILDING, is showing their support of the GLBT AGENDA, to DESTROY the DIVINE DESIGN OF GOD; marriage of the male and female with children, the family. Be aware, SODOMY is an abomination to GOD. JESUS CHRIST the Lord has proclaimed this from his Heavenly Father to Mankind. TAKE HEAD AND READ HIS WORD; IT WOULD DO YOU WELL. Ref: LEVITICUS 18:22; ROMANS 1:24-27; 1 CORINTHIANS 6:9,10. Amen. JESUS CHRIST the Lord can save the SINNER and TRANSFORM their mind…with his WORD. Amen.

  3. I’ve been seeing people say this is proof of trans people being killed and throwing up trans flags… I thought this was a pro gay bar? Being trans has nothing to do with being gay… why are trans people trying to use a tragedy to boost their victimhood while the real victims (gay community) continue to be attacked?

  4. Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.


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