Toxic Females Exposed!

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One of the most important things to avoid doing if you want to have a happy and successful future is getting into a relationship with a toxic woman. Right now there’s a lot of them and they’re looking for weak men. So let’s go over how to spot red flags with women on dating apps.

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24 thoughts on “Toxic Females Exposed!”

  1. I am starting not to care anymore whether I have a lady or not. 30 years ago, a large amount of women weren’t as superficial or mad crazy as they are now. I hate to be nasty, but even women who are 3’s and 4’s are STUCK UP and think they are all that🤣

  2. This is a good example why you have to be very careful who you get involved with – because they could possibly ruin your life, and the career that you’ve worked so hard for.

    That’s why you have to pay really close attention early on in the relationship, to see if you can spot any red flags before it’s too late.

    Anyway, that’s my two cents.
    -Carlos Verde – Dating Tips

  3. The person who blurs the non-creepy requirement is usually creepy his/herself in most cases. She attracts creeps from being one unknowingly. You attract what you are.

  4. recently i hung out with someone who been single for 5 years and only had ONE(1) boyfriend while studying overseas, and she didnt allow me to even physically touch her hand in public, even her mindset is MODERN, it was such a turn off!


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