Total War: Empire 2 Mod – United States #18 ELVIS RE-ELECTED!

My new favorite mod for Empire Total War, I hope you enjoy the series as much as I am.

Link to the mod:

I Plan on finishing this, so to get updates on new parts….


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2 thoughts on “Total War: Empire 2 Mod – United States #18 ELVIS RE-ELECTED!”

  1. Great episode Strategic Symphony and I'm not sure if you don't like the name or haven't found the right unit for it yet but will you name a infantry or cavalry unit the redcoat butchers that I have been kindly trying to remind you of for three four parts now also I'm not sure if there's a huge difference in stat's between these two units but when you named a Jamestown Settlers unit Benjamin Martin's Finest after you merged them before do you think if possible you could give that name to a Frontiersmen unit instead please also when it comes to trading territories in Empire Total War you have to be really generous to make the deal go through for example in my game playing as The U.S. the Cherokee Nation took Florida from Spain and built it up a little and it was worth about a little over 2k to 4k and I had to pay them around 60,000 to 80,000 for them to give me the territory and it worth it but I hope hearing this news doesn't discourage you from trying to trade territories to get more money real easy so you can throw away 60,000 to 80,000 and not be worried about like me all you have to do is start researching more Industrial/Farm tech and Philosophy tech and then start building up and maxing out all buildings in your territories that provide any income and make sure your roads are fully upgrade and when all of your territories have achieved maximum growth then you increase taxes to level 2 or 3 and so before you know it your swimming in cash like Scrooge McDuck and to give you an example when I did this at the end of my game I had over 1 million in money.


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