"Total Annihilation" & " Signs in the Heavens." The 4th & 6th SEALS of Revelation

On “Eating Wild Honey and Locusts” with Jessica Knock, Dr. Stephen Pidgeon and Jon Hallam we study the 4th & 6th Seals.

Jesse presents, when the “Fourth Seal” of Revelation is open – all of ‘Christendom’ will know the tribulation is here. For its “TOTAL ANNIHILATION:” Death by 4 methods: The Sword, Famine, Pestilence & Death. (Revelation 6)

Guest Jon Hallam and Dr Stephen Pidgeon visit ” The Sixth Sea.”
– Pivotal point where nothing is the same again!
– Restrainer removed – Time of Wrath
– Signs and wonders
– Leading to the Trumpets & Vials including the Pit being opened for the return of the gods of old !


21 thoughts on “"Total Annihilation" & " Signs in the Heavens." The 4th & 6th SEALS of Revelation”

  1. Jessica
    Can we please have Jon speak more clearly?
    The conversation on his side of things seems to be like between Skypers, like one colleague to another, but there's an audience out here.
    Dr P is clear and speaks in a way that is articulate. You are clear and articulate.
    I made this comment last week as well.
    Thanks, love what you present.

    Thank you John for the hard work and effort. The Ruach was definitely working through you to share this. And Jessica and Dr. Pigeon for another insightful episode.

  3. Here's what I think
    The horses are groups of people
    Who are controlled by some man

    The rider on the white horse controls a group of people know for wearing white

    He that sat. Sat means to dwell.
    He is at home being in charge of this group
    He has a bow. Bow means to deliver.
    He has control of the delivery system.

    A crown was given to him. Corona means crown
    Who gave him the Crown?
    The people wearing white. Researchers, PhD's lab workers.
    And he went forth conquering and to conquer.
    There are two phases or objectives to his plan. First to get control of nations then to punish Christians.
    There is a great deception going on that involves sorcery. The Greek word pharmikia . That means drugs, medicines or poisons.
    Thanks for all you do.
    John Davis Jax Fl

  4. The horse riders are not sitting still.
    It's a horse race.
    The first one out the gate was the white horse. He was loosed in the fall of 2019
    Behind him comes the rider on the Red Horse.
    In third place is black horse.
    Then the green horse.
    It's a race. Each will be in the lead at some time in the race. But they are all running at the same time and they are all heading for the finish line.

  5. You are right Jessica, very difficult to digest. I have listened twice and as another has already commented about Jon, very difficult to understand. I think he needs to do something about his audio setup? Appreciate his presentation and what he’s researched. You and Dr P were very clear to understand, no issues at all 👍” They“ say that poor audio is a real turn off better to have poor video! better still better to have both. I even struggled using good quality headphones and still had great difficulty🙁 only because I was interested in the content that I persevered. I have only just discovered your channel Jessica through watching Dr P’s channel, don’t know how I missed you but now you have another subscriber. 🙏


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