Top Ten Introductory Games

Which games are the best for introducing newbies to a popular gaming franchise?


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44 thoughts on “Top Ten Introductory Games”

  1. I tried playing Nightmare in Dreamland on an emulator,but it seems to have an anti-piracy measure that causes the game to crash during the final boss,and when you restart it,all of your save data has been erased.

  2. I feel like Fire Emblem Awakening was a game made for this list, It was my first Fire Emblem Game, and got me invested in what has become one of my favorite series. The option for a Casual mode makes it so much more accessible, as you don't have to worry about losing units permanently due to bad R and G, or worry about throwing away hours of a your time in order to Soft Reset because you lost a unit, Honestly, I don't think I could play a Fire Emblem game without a Casual mode….

  3. I have to disagree on Wind Waker. The Forsaken Fortress was such a brutal spike in the early game that it almost made Wind Waker my EXIT point in the franchise. Twilight Princess never really has a huge difficulty spike it’s pretty consistent throughout but I will concede that the forced excessive tutorials is cumbersome.

  4. When it comes to all of the series in this video I've been introduced to a few

    Kirby: Kirby nightmare in Dreamland

    Megaman: the megaman Battle Network games and megaman NT warrior the show

    Resident evil: resident evil outbreak

    Sonic: Sonic adventure 2 on the Gameboy and the sonic x series

    Fallout: fallout 4

    Dynasty warriors: dynasty warriors 8 the free version then later the full game

    Call of duty: I think it was the first one on the PlayStation 3 if I'm not mistaken

    Those are all the series in this video I'm familiar with and my personal introduction two said series were they the best introductions maybe maybe not but if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be into their respective series in general

    Also small fun fact as stated above my first introduction into the mega Man series was megaman NT warrior and the Battle Network games and I honestly thought they were the original imagine my surprise when I found out that wasn't the case

  5. To add to the reasons to pick re two's remake over the original; TANK CONTROLS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AN UNFORGIVABLE SIN IN MODERN GAMING!!! This is to say that your experience will be made a LOT more sour if you use Tank controls. Trust me, I speak from experience.

  6. Is your writer myself from a parallel universe? Zero 2 was also my first Mega Man. … Didn't help I was only in the 4th or 5th grade then and hadn't gotten gud yet.
    As for #1's series, I couldn't really grasp it during it's Prime, so my first real taste was as a Hunter, but young me before personal honors mostly futzed about using an action replay.

  7. Please, to those who want an introduction to the Yakuza series, Zero is the best game. Great story, great sidecontent, lots of minigames to play, amazing sidetrack, and Mr. Shakedown will not let you go if you don't play this title first.

  8. I really think on the Zelda on a link to the past is a good one to start you have a map that tells you where to go no backtracking except for certain items also the gameplay is solid

  9. As a long time Mega Man fan, I will say that X1 is a decent starting place for the series. Although if you want a start for the classic series, I recommend 11. It's the most recent one and it feels a lot more fair than some of the other games (mostly.) but the biggest thing that helps is the shop. there are a lot of REALLY good items in the game that can seriously power you up if you are having trouble. Also, every copy ability is really good in their own way, giving you a lot of variety on how to progress. As for the new Double Gear system, it's really not complicated. Pretty much the only people I see who don't use it are the veterans due to muscle memory.

    The other choice I recommend is Mega Man 7. The game is on the easier side for Mega Man (expect for the final boss) and has a great art style!

  10. I think Elden Ring makes for a great starting point for people to get into the soulsborne series. It's just as difficult as other entries, yet the exploration aspect allows you to take things in at your own pace and learn the mechanics.

  11. I think Twilight is the best intro to Zelda myself, since it's pretty easy and has a very good story.

    As for Paper Mario, I think Thousand Year Door is better then Paper Mario myself. Still a great game though.

  12. Personally, I can never recommend the Resident Evil 2 remake because of how badly it butchers the stories compared to the original iteration. The original RE2 gave you two coherent narratives based on which A/B scenario pairing you played. RE2make, on the other hand, makes no efforts to have its two characters stories feel like they're taking place at the same time, with each character only having one unique boss fight and a single unique sequence whilst otherwise encountering the same majority of bosses and the same NPCs, even when this blatantly contradicts each other, causing the "2nd Game" mechanic to feel like an afterthought. Yes, the original Resident Evil was guilty of this too, but it was the first game and the original RE2 fixed that, only for the RE2make to come along and re-break it. I also found it far less enjoyable to play than its original counterpart.

  13. If only there was a game that could be an introduction to the other side of exploration platformers (which metroidvania is the power focused branch of).

    Speaking of which: Is there a name for the item focused branch of exploration platformers?

  14. Persona 4 is on the list
    Looks at me who started with P4 Arena
    Um……. I'm pretty sure I couldn't be further from the mark if I tried despite this still being Persona-

  15. I will argue P5R as the starting point for persona. Why, well for 1, while it does not eliminate the "go to sleep" issue and you will at some point want to bash Morgana's head in with a baseball bat, it doe remove about 75% of it making what is left far more tolerable. Second, it also fixes what is arguably one of the worst vanilla palaces. Finally, I was never a fan of rng dungeons. P4G isn't a bad entry by any means, but I think Royal is just a little better. Oh and the railroad segment is a little shorter too.

  16. I've always wanted to play a Zelda game and WindWaker and Twilight Princess are the 2 that interested me the most. Twilight Princess in particular had me interested when i saw trailers of Link turning into a badass wolf (around the time i was playing through and obcessed with Okami). Windwaker's artstyle also got me very interested. Now that i have a switch i might start with Breathe of the Wild.

  17. I grew up playing the very 1st Resident Evil and played Code Veronica as a kid. I can safely say i am incredibly impressed with the Re1 remake and RE2 remake was incredible. Part of me is kind of disappointed RE2 didn't get a similar treatment to RE1 remake, because playing RE1 made me remember how effective fixed camera angles could be at setting up scares or providing tension. With that said RE2 improved on alot, stands alone wonderfully, and succeeded in still being terrifying.

  18. Trails in the Sky 1. Much of the adventure is a literal tour of the country you're in that does a good job learning you about the world that the game and all its 11 (as of now) following games in the series is set in, with the stakes not being very high until the last chapter. That, and the most important part, it's the first game in a series with a linear timeline, just sayin'

  19. My Zelda entry point and the one I recommend? A Link To The Past. No annoying partner, exploration forward, highly useful items across the board, nice sprite style, showcases most of what makes Zelda.

  20. Love your videos Josh. Hope you do a Video Game Characters that would be my friend list. And Yeah, I did play Devil Survivor Soul Hackers and Shin Megami Tensei 4 on 3DS, but never finished either of them. Currently on Persona 3 Portable, and doing my 2nd playthrough, then i'll go on to Persona 4 Golden, then i'll go back and finish Persona 5………When I get out of the Black Hole that is Visual Novels…..which won't be for a while…sorry 😔 And yeah, I need to go back and play the Kingdom Hearts series, but i've been PC gaming lately…….I'm sure i'll go back to Kingdom Hearts…..sooner or later.

  21. Due to their glaring pacing flaws, Persona 4 and Windwaker should really be lower than Mega Man X and Paper Mario. You really want to put your best foot forward when introducing a new series so having this major of a flaw anywhere is pretty detrimental for a recommendation. As far as the number transition is concerned, gen 2 is infamous for having very wonky level curves and terrible Pokemon availability. X and Y might be easier, but you also have a ton of flexibility to sink your teeth into

  22. Miitopia's my top pick for the most easy to pick up and play video game. You can have anyone be in any role you wish and the combat and gimmicks are really simple to understand. What's not there to love?

  23. Shin Megami Tensei IV imho is the best way to get into the mainline SMT games if the Persona series isn't to their liking, especially since the game was designed to get newcomers into the series in mind. It explains the series core mechanics perfectly and gives you a great first experience as to what the series is like especially when it comes to its difficulty with how big of a challenge the early game is. Not to mention the story itself is standalone meaning you don't have to play the other games to understand what's going on. My only gripe is that after you fight the Minotaur, the game becomes piss easy from there aside from a few exceptions which are mainly just sidequest/post-game content, it's a small complaint, but I still think SMTIV is an amazing game that I cannot recommend enough to people who want to get into the mainline series.

  24. Fuga: melodies of steel – Tail concerto franchise
    Super Robot Wars: Original Generation – Super Robot Wars franchise
    These are very overshadowed by the mainstream games and are the pasion projects of their developers. It is a very big shame that even these examples failed to reach an audience to break even, let alone make a profit.

  25. Mortal Kombat 9. Not only does it serve as a walk through memory lane for old-school fans, it’s also a great introduction for new fans who don’t know much about the series.

  26. Up until early this year I would have agreed with Awakening being one of the best entry points for Fire Emblem, but, having played Engage since it came out I have changed my mind… I think Engage is just as good if not a better entry point, it has smooth game play hinting back at older games, and the Emblems help new players get intrigued by the older games 🙂

    As for personal experience getting into a new franchise… Playing Tourna the Golden Country (the Xenoblade 2 DLC sidestory) is a great way to start with Xenoblade, it got me hooked


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