Top 5 Unsettling Secrets NASA Could Be Hiding From You

Top 5 Unsettling Secrets NASA Could Be Hiding From You
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Blast off into a world of intrigue with “Top 5 Unsettling Secrets NASA Could Be Hiding From You”! 🌌🚀 Dive deep into the hidden vaults of space exploration as we unveil mysteries NASA might prefer stayed under wraps. From classified missions to unexplained cosmic phenomena, what is it that they don’t want us to know? Curiosity piqued? Click subscribe, activate that notification bell, and journey with us beyond the official narratives to the stars and secrets beyond. 🌠🔍

#nasa #alien #scary #secret #hidden #conspiracy #mysterious #unexplained #ufo #uap #space #galaxy #universe

Time Codes:
0:00- ISS UAP
30:42- James McDivitt
55:16- The Signal
1:16:58- Inflation
1:40:51- Planet Nine

Video Edited By:
Jennire Narvaez:


40 thoughts on “Top 5 Unsettling Secrets NASA Could Be Hiding From You”

  1. I have seen a ufo in the early 80s at a boy scout meeting it looked like a flying lighting rig from a concert, but was silent and only seemed to be about 200 ft above us it cast a large shadow and about 20 boy scouts witnessed it

  2. Who says they aren't here? There is an abundance of reports of UFOs (UAPs) and contact with beings from other worlds by very credible sources which point to them having been here perhaps of thousands of years.

  3. Yeah south Florida residence 40+ years. I saw 6 crafts in the sky over the ocean in 2001 all.came.into formation and hovered in possession for several minutes and then shot off in different ways in nano seconds and I was not seeing things because I was not alone we all saw it

  4. Me and two of my friends were sat outside at night in France by our friend’s parents’ pool when we saw what we thought was a shooting star at first glance, but the star was moving extremely slow and then started blinking like it had lights on it so were like maybe it’s a plane but we could see other planes in the sky and they were flashing and emitting a totally different color and moved the planes that flew by were moving totally different, what was the most strange about it is that it suddenly stopped moving while it continued blinking and then suddenly picked up speed and then vanished

  5. They've been observing us since the begining, their technology is beyond our imaginations, the physics aren't even aware to us, they move through water without disturbing the water, you want to explain that.

  6. I have just one question. If, since the Big Bang, the universe is expanding for the past couple of (13+) billion years then it means everything (all celestial bodies) in the universe is moving away from each other. In the meantime the learned people (scientists) also predict that our galaxy ( the Milky Way) and another galaxy (Andromeda) is on a collision course and will collide in another few billion years. This doesn't make sense. How can things then move towards each other in an expanding universe? Or is Andromeda perhaps coming from a different universe which had its own "Big Bang" with stars and what else flying towards us?


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