Top 5 Monster Taming Games of 2023! | BUY THEM ALL! | HAPPY NEW YEAR!

These are the best Monster Taming Games of the Year! At least in my opinion.

Reviews (if applicable):

Coromon Review:

Cassette Beasts Review:

DQM: Dark Prince Review:

Moonstone Island Review:

Steam Pages (if applicable):

Digimon World: Next Order:

Moonstone Island:


Cassette Beasts:

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Top 10 Upcoming Monster Taming Games in 2023 and Beyond:

10 Upcoming Mobile Monster Taming Games:

20 Upcoming Monster Taming Games for Nintendo Switch:

7 Upoming Monster Taming Games For Mobile:

10 More Monster Taming Switch Games:

Nexomon Extinction Starter Evolutions Explained:

Coromon Starter Evolutions Explained:

Is Coromon Worth it?
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End Screen Music: Coromon Ice Mountain Theme
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#digimon #monstertamer #rpg #dragonquestmonsters #cassettebeasts #coromon #monstertaming #pokemon #moonstoneisland


31 thoughts on “Top 5 Monster Taming Games of 2023! | BUY THEM ALL! | HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

  1. Thank you for putting me on to a lot of great games this year cassette beasts was by far my favorite game to play this year even compared to aaa like ff16 and spiderman 2. Glad i found your channel hope you have a happy new year and too many more great monster tamer games next year as well.

  2. A game i'm enjoying (not sure if it counts as Monster Taming) is Slime Rancher, addicted since i bought it for Christmas in a Sale. Also thanks for your content over the years and i enjoy posting the Paldecks.

  3. I'm still confused about the Coromon Demo being boring and the pineapple heads of the main chars. I think the only surely good thing for me here was Cassette Bests.
    I'm in some kind of love hate relationship with Dragon Quest.

  4. I've had no interesting most of these, but I did get Coromon when it originally came out and while I didn't finish it because my brother fell behind and we were playing side by side so I stopped at one point, it was pretty good. Dragon Quest Monsters I've wanted an expanded version of the monster combat system since DQ8, but idk, maybe I've just gotten older but the monsters and stuff just didn't catch my eye enough to sell me on getting it. There's just something about game mechanics built into the side of a game, like monster taming these rare encounters and using them in an arena, that really makes things special. Gives you a reason to explore, find things you cannot beat at the time and revisit, etc, as a bonus to the game you are already playing.

    Overall, a very lame year for monster taming games for me. REALLY looking forward to the potential AI generation will bring to the table moving forward. Content should be plentiful, fusions can give you several different freshly generated outputs and you choose your favorites, etc. Multi-generational fusions can be a thing and it follows a formula for deciding what each fusion/generation is capable of, and maybe you only get like 3-5 generations before its maxed on the number of times it can fuse. What kind of freaks or amazing monsters could we end up with?

    Games in general need new mechanics in play, as a lot of games are just stale mechanics that have existed since the 90s or earlier. Recent developments in gaming has shown inventory management and optimization seems to be popular, so maybe monsters could have a Soul of varying shapes and sizes, and every time you fuse your monsters it changes shape and size. The soul itself could basically be a puzzle of spaces with randomized or thematic areas within it that have different benefits depending on what kind of pieces of experience you socket into them. New skills, more stats, passives, etc, could have additional bonuses applied to them based on where you put them in the Soul, but you need to fit the piece in, since different experiences would have different sizes and shapes. Some could influence and affect the other pieces around them too, or not want to be near other experiences, something like negative experiences that are powerful but don't like being around others. Hope to see something like this in a monster taming game in the future.

  5. Thanks again for your Cassette Beats review. Totally glossed over its trailer, but end up being one of the most fun games I tried this year.
    Will get DQM once it enter on sale. Meanwhile, thinking in getting Monster Sanctuary and Adore.

  6. Imagine putting DQM the dark prince in number 1 over cassette beasts, i guess its your personal list so its fine i guess. But I would not recommend dark prince to anyone, the game has really poor optimization, really bad graphics even for switch standards, terrible story and the worst offender of it all: DAY 1 DLC. They literally cut content that should be in the main game to sell it to you as a dlc, and to make it worse, the "mole hole" mechanic from dlc has p2w elements, so if you want to play pvp you pretty much need the DLC.

  7. I was really happy when I stumbled upon your channel because monster taming is probably my favorite genre. I love Pokémon and the Dragon Quest Monsters series. I’ve tried so many monster taming games over the years and I’m always looking for more. I’ll definitely be watching your channel.

  8. Also Ed as someone who subscribed to you when kindred fates did their Kickstarter you have no idea how happy and proud of what you’ve been able to achieve here’s hoping 2024 will be another great year and that you’ll have even better success in it

  9. Hopefully, there will be a new Digimon world game
    This sounds crazy but I miss the original pooping sounds and cry's that your Digimon would make

    Oh and how they evolved in the original seem more intense in MY OPINION of course

  10. Yanno if Dark prince released on PS4/5, i feel like it would not have the frame rate issue and likely be sped up enough by being on an `actual` console that could handle large chunky open zone & poorly optimized games. This is kind of one of the many reasons i am glad i got to dodge the bullet with that game, due to the Demo giving me a `good view` of a potentially CLUNKY experience, unlike how i ended up getting DQ treasures, forced myself to stomach thru the terrible designs to atleast beat the game then deleted it from my storage and traded that game back in then copium it would get `fixed` later, months down the line when much better titles could of released during that span instead.

    Switch these days outside of games with some `real` black magic in optimization like Astral Chain & Legend of Zelda`s two open world entries, feels like anything that aint on a indie game tier, are just buggie messes right out of the gate or even worst, feel more like mobile games then actual 60 dollar price games, while being wedge into a controller play, if not simply yet another `entry` to some long running series, which a good deal of them feel like giant downgrades, while also trying to shovel DLC in your face to `fix` its problems, then simply deliver a complete polished title to make that 60 dollar price tag worth it.

    It kind of sucks that Moonstone island & Casette beasts never came to playstation (for now) since i`ve been trying to separate myself from multi-platform crazies, despite owning a PC that i need to replace its graphics card but couldnt due to price scalpers (aka ended up me falling out of PSO2 NGS in the early days), a Switch (only because i could not get a PS5 cause of price scalpers) and then a PS5 (only because i manage to get a friend to sell me an extra PS5 during a previous cyber monday, they acquired at a fair price, even if it was the no disc version, but atleast came with GoW Ragnarok to make up for it that lost of flexibility).

    Sadly between Grand blue fantasy: Relink, Like a Dragon, Infinite Wealth, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Rebirth, Persona 3 Reload (i might have to consider skipping on the latter for a while due to so many titles) coming basically on february, this does not really give me any room to give a second chance that title, Even if they suddenly announce Dark prince is finally coming to Playstation next year.

    If i can free myself of my remaining switch games, i might be able to finally put the Switch to rest and be further pushed to re-awaken my PC connections (praise Steam & modding scene for extra funsies to REALLY extend the life of solid titles or just straight up fix issues that the devs of said game are too lazy to address), but it just never helps when one can miss out on alot of specific console exclusivity games, but atleast the Xbox does not really have any of that worth to note.

  11. 5. Was originally going to buy this game but the negative reviews made me hold off. I am not sure how much I would enjoy the mechanics of this game even as a huge digimon fan, but maybe I will wait for a sale and give this game a go at some point 🤔

    4. No idea how much I would like this game given the management sim aspects but hey it’s coming to switch so it may be worth my time!

    3. So excited to play this game for the first time, probably going to be the first game I start in 2024!

    2. The only game on this list I played and while I did love it, I did have a few issues with it, namely the progression feeling a bit more Zelda than Pokemon, and the setup for the final boss being convoluted to the point that I have not finished the game. May go back to do it if I can figure out what I need to do but not thrilled I didn’t beat the game in one playthrough!

    1. I used to love this series, wasn’t dying to buy this game at launch but I will likely buy it on sale at some point! I also need to finish watching your guide videos on the game since it seems like they made some nice updates to this game since the last entry!

  12. Look I loved Coromon and it really is one the best monster tamers out there but Cassette Beasts just has so much not going for it for me. It's got so much passion and creativity behibd it, honestly my favourite monster tamer overall.


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