Top 5 Alien Cover-Ups by the US Government | Ancient Aliens

The following are the top 5 instances of government cover-ups regarding alien activity.

00:00 The Navy, Nuclear Weapons and UFOs
04:15 Inexplicable Flying Objects
08:41 US Government Sees More than We Know
12:34 Project Blue Book Attempts to Prove UFO Phenomenon
16:47 The Roswell Incident

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“Ancient Aliens” explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years.

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31 thoughts on “Top 5 Alien Cover-Ups by the US Government | Ancient Aliens”

  1. In time we shall know the truth , considering the past , with the evidence from , military sightings to prehistoric. Drawings in the caves to the pyramids to the
    Changing of human history with every newly discovered
    Scientific methods , we in the early part of the 21 century
    We will be considered prehistoric to our thoughts on
    The past and the future of

  2. Romans stated they saw a "flying shield".
    While there was a Nuremberg UFO sighting in 1561 AD, there is also an interesting woodcut engraving showing the different UFO shapes seen in the sky at Nuremberg.
    So the UFOs have been around for a while.

  3. What about the 3 shot down craft last month? If they say they are still not found, they are either amateurs or are just lying about the truth. Until no answer comes, keep on demanding for news about this!

  4. Still idiots, native people have a long association with our star grandfathers because we are not afraid of them we are simply willing to speak and experience them, Even today we experience then watching and wondering how long it will take people to be willing to experience other species.

  5. I've seen 2 UFOs in my life here in Canada.

    The first time was in the summer of 2007 on a camping trip with my cousin. It was at night and the sky was clear, so the stars were shining but no moon. I stepped out of my tent to "water the plants" and decided to check out the stars again whole I was busy. However, I noticed 10 stars in a perfect circle moving slowly in the same direction. It was very high above me, but I knew that I wasn't watching stars move. It was something else. I didn't sleep at all that night.

    The second time was November 15th 2020 at almost 2:30am. I currently work nightshift and had been working at my job for 2 years when I saw it. I was driving home and the clouds were very thin that night, the moon could still be easily seen. As I drove I thought I saw a weird black spot in the moon's face. Pulling over and grabbing my phone, I looked at the moon and saw a teardrop shaped object hovering in place, before drifting out of the moon's view. I tried taking pictures, but the brightness of the moon made the object extremely faded or invisible.

  6. All the scientists like Neil Tyson, Sean Carroll, Brian Green will be jumping right to the front of the line to get there faces on camera if there's ever a full-blown disclosure. When these are the same guys that in the past would mock people in the UFO community as ignorant, hillbillies, etc. I'll give a little bit of credit to michio because he's not sitting back and waiting. He's being a little bit more accepting and realistic. But it really ticks me off about these other guys because that is guaranteed. What would happen. Mainstream media would plaster them on prime time while the dedicated, intelligent researchers, etc. Have spent decades sticking their necks out will be pushed aside

  7. It's not only the US that has aliens and UFOs in their custody but also with other super powerful countries like Russia and China.
    Sense how they easily adapt technologies and research and have them in reality???

  8. Actually, the Japanese had surrendered but hadn't signed the papers yet when the US dropped the bomb. It was done to show Russia what the USA had. Many Japanese died just so USA could show the world what power they had.


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