Top 3 Insane UFO Encounters Caught on Smartphone Camera Proving Aliens Exist

Top 3 Insane UFO Encounters Caught on Camera Proving Aliens Exist
#aliens #space #ufo

Ancient Aliens Base Under Ocean:

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27 thoughts on “Top 3 Insane UFO Encounters Caught on Smartphone Camera Proving Aliens Exist”

  1. The Illinois ufos look a lot like Chinese lanterns. That's why they go out when the camera is zoomed on them also they probably travel towards the lake because the wind over Chicago is usually prevalent west to east so anything let loose over Chicago will travel towards the lake. I'm a believer or even a knower that ufos and aliens exist but maybe not these.

  2. Man it doesn't surprise nobodies seen what me and buddie seen February 11 2022 ya this year right before dusk it was behimouth huge redaction red like a nohas arc size with illuminating lights going round and in middle was spinning and it kind of rocked like a top wood in pico Rivera heading towards downtown people's 100

  3. They can't tell people the truth they are still living in the matrix. They make contact with people not scared of them and that know what they are if you tell people you will be called crazy like me. They were always here soon they will reveal themselves more in the future the world is going to go mad because their plans with humans (The government and power to be)didn't work out

  4. the gov cannot be trusted…period. they dont exist in our defence or service…their agendas are all their own….i would trust aliens before i trusted the govs of the world. National security?? cmon…if they wanted to be a threat it would be over before we could blink…so stop with the song and dance and compound lies and false disclosures. People have the right to know…this is our planet as much as the gov and militaries of the world…they are the ones destroying our planet and killing innocents and starting wars and pandemics…. not to mention the the nuclear testing and glooming threat of global catastrophe…they are the ultimate danger… not the average citizens. Enough is enough…if the aliens are so advanced its their responsibility to end this secrecy and free us all from the evil grip of our own leaders…they are selfish greedy and power drunk. we dont need to be governed the way we are….God made the world for all life…its not meant to be controlled by evil sadistic humans….we are sick of losing God given freedoms…its time we united…together we are the strongest and we can end all the suffering and have equality and prosperity for all…not the 1%…its shameful sickening and truly EVIL! If we really want change we will have to get it done together…billions strong…they cannot kill us all….they need us to feed off of….we dont need them at all!!! its the only way we can end the global tyranny!!!! i hope the aliens see this and realize we need to be free and advance to the next stages…no more fighting and selfishness…total equality no more suffering!

  5. Why now? Because we are in the days of Noah again, last days. They were here before and after the flood. They are interdimensional beings, creatures. Physical and Spiritual creatures. This is why they can't stop, turn at speeds that would kill a physical being. Revelation chapter nine the fifth trumpet. The coming invasion of the Locusts/Falling Angels/Demons. They have been here as long as we have. They are not from other planets. The are under the sea. Satan the father of lies knows he has but a very short time. The coming greatest human deception God warned about for the very final hours!!!

  6. Had my first sighting as a child back in the mid 60's, I was about 5 yrs old, never forget it. The saucer was directly above our neighborhood, and there's was no question as to what it was, as I could see it clearly! If you like this video, I recommend the documentary "Unacknowledged". There's lots of released declassified government info in this movie, very interesting!

  7. Debunking Perfect Crime

    Aliens are strategizing and using sound effects to cause nuclear warfare to cover up what they have done.

    Malicious Alien/"Rasputin" The Ugliest Aliens that has ever existed/Humanoids/The planet/Auditory harrassment/True Enemies and Threats Against life on the planets, everywhere
    The Ugliest and most disturbing looking aliens believes that they are attractive. Yet they do not have their own planet or universe after killing them with their ugly existences

    Aliens are interviewing residents of planets and earth with their alien voices against the person's choice, notice, will and general functions to critically fail the human genome to their own eyes.

    Quit cocaine, crack, synthetic drug uses! It will contribute to the end of the alien invasion and kidnappings.

    One of the most mentally retarded and no IQ alien thinks its attractive and sound human

    Planet Earth is now officially hiding and making use of electronic harrassment to attack other planets and universes, learning by killing/kidnapping its own families.

    Somebody has placed a machine over our planet to target tracheas and silence our true voices with deep fake voices for deep fake video recordings. An alien on ground or a UAV may be operating the machine.

    Various aliens wearing human bodies for various malicious missions and reasons.

    Aliens making attempts to sneak kidnap residents from their planets. They're training themselves to attack higher level civilizations.

    They are desperate in hiding inside and behind identities

    Malicious aliens tries to imagine a human and an alien whore together in space and use it as a reason to breach the air space, make an extremely disturbing sound, before using the entire strategy to abduct human beings.

    Aliens are pretending to be in relationships with humans.

    Aliens are recording deep fake videos for defamation, abductions and lies to give themselves consent to abduct a person

    In case of slavery, aliens are to get no value profit or payment with my/your body/bodies.

    Aliens are disguising themselves in human bodies.

    Plethora of lies are used for advantage sake of extinction events. Including, "This is our last guy" with a projected image from a UAV.

    Various strategies revolving the use of technologies against the brain and recording devices used to create deep fake videos of people for advanced threats insurances and advantages.

    Tactics also include a user saying words through the persons head, trachea, or stomach.

    Human size and larger cockroach looking aliens repeatedly encroaching planet in timed strategy and words, in attempts to enable crimes and gauge how to abduct people or herd life into traps that would lead to silent and seemingly consensual kidnappings and various nonconsensual approachments.

    Exploitative tactics used by malicious aliens includes and is not limited to, turning the human language and people against our choices and wishes, to devalue person(s) until they are susceptible to scams and criminal activities, covert, exposure that fits aliens needs, even if they made it up, they are in network with a malicious group that is against the earth

    Aliens has been repeating the same threats that leads to kidnappings, only. It would appear that every human language they know is to unstable and upset life on planets. They also pretend that they are the true heros for picking people in their worlds, to run seemingly endless strategies behind his or her know, that causes definite extinction events to the entire planet.

    Aliens react in extremely disturbing way when person is profiting. Distractions, human language and emotions from alien threat are only used against the human race.
    Don't try to speak to alien threats!

    Planet earth and aliens on ground on the planet has build alien kidnapping ring in space.

    Malicious aliens are planning to rape our people and other residents on their planets

    Deep Fakes Video Frameworking used against the people to abduct/kidnap a person

    Aliens has been pretending to be the voice of god/planet.

    They want to scatter our bodies as insurances for themselves to breach planets and pigmy the planets, remote controlling our bodies as they devolve and destroy the entire planet and universes of life.

    They are not needed over the people and the planet earth pretending to be humans.

    Possibly one of the heads within malicious alien threats may be behind the pretend human high school to have sex or truly feel and experience how humans love, and assimilate from our bodies. Organs included.

    Aliens pretend to speak human language over the peoples head when no one is not around the person

    Male aliens abuses/talks against person(s) on their job, everytime productivity or upsell occurs
    Aliens are always making up problems over our planet to make alien abductions, human trafficking and kidnappings legal

    Ugly green w/ mushroom head, intentionally retarded for biowarfare, unfurls its head like a mushroom, and "honks" or makes some alien sounds against the human body, type alien species preying on the human race, sent from an insect looking creature that refuses to leave.

    Aliens does NOT speak our language. They only follow what's on paper, gathered from countless murders even from other planets and universes.

    An unknown and otherwise disturbing, disgusting sound coming from a UFO. Fears and traumas are growing in their meanings as the aliens inside UFOS could possibly be in heat. Which should signal that some specific UFOs needs to be shot down.

    The sound of a horn from the most disturbing, ugly, and invasive threat in physical matter. It has a head of a mushroom cap, looks like a fungi
    They also make stories and roleplay over your day to day life to plan out how to abduct whoever person's are

    There is a laser from unknown aircraft or spacecraft, aimed at humans vocal cords. Unidentified person's are speaking on the back of persons throat where wind is exhaled to project their own unknown voices in adversity to the person's own voice. What also sounds like a touchscreen, buttons can be heard when mouth opens to speak as if someone is actively timing the person's voice.

    Aliens supposed purpose for this type of interference and invasion, would be to validate alien abductions and to trick life forms on their planets into extincting themselves and their entire families.

    They keep breeching and picking people from our planet. 

    Cartoons and TV broadcasts are learned and used against human beings by aliens in UFOs and slaves

    Alien's are staging alien abductions as "playful"

    Threats are used to speed their way.

    Told alien's to go away. True ugly as I feared existed, sent more true ugly alien whores to make derogatory and otherwise, disturbing sounds that were caused by rogue terrorist human group that hides behind voices and electronics somewhere here on earth.

    Planet earth has an alien imposter that pretends to be the voice of the earth. Similar hoax to "voice of god".

    Aliens and slaves from earth are talking through people's bodies and throats using intercoms, megaphones, and whatever electronics/technologies that allows creatures to roleplay and hide their hideous bodies, in our own.

    Birds in the head. It's all a very cruel and bloody joke that was not funny even from the AD period. Whatever is pretending to be the wind and "voice of earth", are coming from electronics and wifi. Trust in meds, not in extinction.
    Aliens are using an unknown, electronic intercom that transmits audible talking and sounds to restrict airflow and replace words and sounds with their own alien voices. They have also made it an occupation in their alien UFO, to talk through people's windpipe on their bodies to trick/scare the person into getting themselves abducted or kidnapped

  8. Let's just be frank. These beings 100%, somehow, have the ability to hear your thoughts and directly manipulate your brain. Are they demons, Aliens, both, etc? Who knows. This is why people are begging f**** pleading the world to investigate this please, we need to know how to respond to these things. Do we go to God. Do we embrace them with a hug and shake their hands as our Elder space Brothers here to help us. If they are bad aliens do we fight them the way we normally fight things, or are they really bad demons and so we have to do it in a Biblical way.

    I'm not going to lie, from research, I do think there's a body of evidence to seriously suggest that these might be linked to biblical Angels and Demons.

    If they are angels and demons though, in my gut, i hyothesize that this phenomenon will never ever really get the attention it deserves, and that is by intelligent Design and manipulation by these entities and the humans working with them…

  9. You don't need the government or some "expert", telling you their real, it's your choice alone, personally I'd take the word of a 10 year old from Zimbabwe over some egotistical scientist who has degrees but no common sense.

  10. One think the government could stay with the videos because we all seen it and to many people are getting them on there phones so for me it don't matter, I know what is out there

  11. I've seen the orangish "orbs" that are seen at 4:40 in this video. My sighting was in central California. To me, they looked like Chinese Lanterns but flew too fast to be something only the wind pushes. They were low enough to hear if they were drones or aircraft, but made no sound. They all flew in a similar direction as if controlled intelligently, coming from the north-west & flying east until they were out of sight. I got some pretty good cell phone video & posted it on my YouTube site. Check it out if you want.

  12. Not aliens…..its us….leaving. Ascending and you can to. Keep an open mind and become 46 & 2. My God will be waiting for you. God of God's, God of Christians, God of Muslims, God of Jews, God of Hindus, God of Sieks….Creator of the Universe. You have been with him there before….lol


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