Top 10 Solo Games I Wish I Could Play More Often!

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Join me for my Top 10 Solo Games I Wish I Could Play More Often! In this video I give you my personal top ten solo games which if I had more time to play (ex. no channel) I would play even more. I hope this helps you find something of interest or re-spark interest in playing a title you might have heard about. Let us all know in the comments below what games you would play more often if you had extra time! Enjoy my friends ;D

FYI: Oathsworn and Isofarian Guard would have made the list but I’ve been making time for them. 😏

Intro 0:00
Overview 0:13
Game #10 2:38
Game #9 5:21
Game #8 12:01
Game #7 14:14
Game #6 17:15
Game #5 19:56
Game #4 21:45
Game #3 23:50
Game #2 26:13
Game #1 28:33
Conclusion 32:29

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Created By: Adam Smith
#RollingSolo #BoardGames #Games


50 thoughts on “Top 10 Solo Games I Wish I Could Play More Often!”

  1. Discord: | Facebook Group:

    Join me for my Top 10 Solo Games I Wish I Could Play More Often! In this video I give you my personal top ten solo games which if I had more time to play (ex. no channel) I would play even more. I hope this helps you find something of interest or re-spark interest in playing a title you might have heard about. Let us all know in the comments below what games you would play more often if you had extra time! Enjoy my friends ;D

    FYI: Oathsworn and Isofarian Guard would have made the list but I’ve been making time for them. 😏

    Respond in the comments below!

    #1.What are your top solo games you wish you could play more often?

    #2. What other top ten lists would you like to see on the channel?

    Intro 0:00

    Overview 0:13

    Game #10 2:38

    Game #9 5:21

    Game #8 12:01

    Game #7 14:14

    Game #6 17:15

    Game #5 19:56

    Game #4 21:45

    Game #3 23:50

    Game #2 26:13

    Game #1 28:33

    Conclusion 32:29

    Media Inquiries: [email protected]

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  2. I guess another top 10 list following on from this one, assuming any actually apply: top 10 solo games like to play more often, that are not campaigns

  3. This list is amazing. For solo gaming, I almost exclusively want to play big, theme heavy immersive experiences, and this reads like a "greatest hits" of that genre. I've heard of most, but not played most, so gives me a lot of inspiration. One of the biggest issues I have with most of these games though is that solo play is either: 1) Tacked on (ie just play the full party of x characters by yourself) or 2) There is a solo mode, but it's unbalanced, or even worse, both unbalanced and not true solo (Folklore is one I REALLY want to play, but solo is still playing two characters and is apparently also just harder). It's so rare that there are these big meaty theme heavy games that you can legitimately play solo, one character and it plays as well as the original. I much prefer not having to hold multiple characters' rules in my head and also also find it much more immersive to play a single character in a world rather than managing a party. I haven't played a number on this list, but I think 7th Continent is the only one that basically plays the same true solo as with a group, which is a huge plus in my mind.

  4. For myself, I'd add the Hexplore It series (pretty solo friendly, both in the core game and campaign books and just endless content even with the core games only) and the Skyrim Adventure Game, which honestly is not that heavy/long a game, but I enjoyed just sinking into the world with Skyrim background music playing true solo (one of the few that supports it pretty well) and there are just so many games competing with it that are more interesting/meaty in one way or another. Also Isofarian Guard is #1, but doesn't exactly fit the list as I'm playing it now and loving it (though again no true solo, but at least 2 character is the core game experience) but I can see becoming one of these when the ADD kicks in as I've been playing maybe 5-6 hours and sill not through the first chapter of the first campaign (and there are 20 chapters across 5 campaigns)

  5. The one thing none of us can buy is more time.

    My Top 5 to pull off my shelf of shame if I had more time and in no particular order:

    Tainted Grail – maybe 1/3 thru the first part. I can’t even remember the title it’s been so long.

    Etherfields – Only did the tutorial scenario back when it initially delivered. Wave 2 is still in the shrink wrap. 😢

    Sword & Sorcery Ancient Chronicles – I finally started it!

    Shadows of Brimstone – time to build the minis and play the game?! I wish!!

    HexploreIt – all of them 😂

    Great list, Adam! I wish I had most of the games on it, but they’d just sit there and taunt me. Maybe if I can ever retire…?

  6. I own, or have owned, 7/10 from the list, but I was most pleased to hear the praise for Etherfields. Not without its faults, but such an imaginative, whimsical, and unique experience. Truly nothing else like it. Not sure if it’ll ever leave my collection. Six boxes and all. Ha.

  7. goddamnit, can't afford aeon trespass odyssey right now, but wish I could now, thanks.. 😛 I am so looking forward to playing frosthaven (not solo, but still.. soon finishing our 4-player of forgotten circles..) and am planning on continuing my middara solo campaign within the next week.. love it!

  8. A lot of crossovers for my list:

    1) Aeon Tresspass Odyssey
    2) Middara
    3) Sleeping Gods
    3) KDM
    4) Arkham Horror LCG
    5) Oathsworn
    6) Tainted Grail
    7) ISS Vanguard
    8) 7th Continent
    9) Marvel Champions
    10) Gloomhaven/JotL

  9. Wow only had etherfields from your list. I would say besides that, tainted grail, journeys in middle earth and skyrim the adventure game . Waiting on the updates before continuing tainted grail. I have not tried oathsworn yet waiting for update on that. Also yet to try nemesis solo, only group. So many games so little time.

  10. I'd swap out Brimstone for Too Many Bones, but I would have put every other game you mentioned on my list too. This video reminds me of why I enjoy your content so much, you match my interests almost exactly.

  11. One of the best lists i have seen, Totally agree with Etherfield's, such an underrated game. My favorite solo game has to be final girl, simply because its easy to get it up, pull down and enjoyable when I am playing.

  12. For anyone interested in making Folklore combat deeper look at BGG threads recommending custom rules and The Spire expansion and advanced rules in core book. BGG has great ideas for other things such as making road events not guaranteed, sacrificing a turn in battle to gain a PP, pushing ppl to sell for less/buy for more with checks etc.

  13. LOL, I thought to myself….where's Oathsworn? Then I read the pinned comment that you've been making time for it, that's why it's not on this list. Perfect answer. 🙂

  14. Do not own Aeon Tresspass, never played it either, will look into the 2nd printing KS campaing later this month. Hopefully it will not be too expansive.

  15. I was totally underwhelmed by Etherfields. It was my most anticipated KS, but I ended up outright disliking it. The artwork and production were top notch, but that's about the only nice thing that I can say about it. The writing was pathetic. The deckbuilding uninteresting. But my biggest disappointment was the dreams themselves. Rather than being clever puzzles, they mostly required random exploration. Etherfields was clearly a ripoff of Arkham Horror LCG, but its gameplay wasn't nearly as fun or creative. When I hear others sing its praises, I wonder if they played a different game (or I was just in horrible mood over my multiple playthroughs).

  16. Own all these games except sleeping gods, but i did back the newest one from them. Agree on everything said; I would maybe only add RuneBound 2nd/3rd, Descent, Tanares, Xia, Leaving Earth.. shoot im just gonna keep naming stuff that will never leave my collection 🙂

  17. We are in the same boat… I wish I had more time and that I didn't have an addiction in being more games just in case I find the time to play…
    I have played Folkore, sold it because of the long setup time and too complexe to 'save your progress'…
    I have 7th Continent waiting in a box for almost 2 years now… I hope the game will aged well and will be good like a old wine!

  18. AT:O and KDM feel to complicated with attacks targetting specific parts of a monster and permament wounds to heroes. I am aware that games like Primal: The Awakening or Oathsworn have divided monsters into parts with dividing bases of miniatures into sectors, but for me it feels more natural and easier to uderstand in board game setting. Maybe I'm just to new to board games and I'm not ready for so heavy games, but for now I skipped KDM for that reason and AT:O I've skipped as soon as I've seen comparisons between it and KDM.

  19. Middara was a huge letdown for me. It's enjoyable at the beginning but then scenarios are getting too long and complex and the game is also too easy when your heroes get better. I can't imagine continuing with Acts 2 and 3.

  20. Thank you for sharing Adam, great list! It was fun finding out what some of your personal favorites are and comparing them to what I enjoy. We have similar taste, however ISS Vanguard would have been on my list and Etherfields would have ranked higher in the top 3.

    It’s not easy assigning a ranking to the top 5, as you mention it can fluctuate depending on the season.

    How about a Top 10 list of your favorite games, that don’t have a solo mode, but you really wish they did because you really enjoy the game.

    Also, how about a Top 10 playlist for songs you listen to when playing a game or setting the theme for your game. I enjoy doing this myself, am I the only one? 😂

  21. This list is sooo good! And I got a massive smile when you had my two favourite games in the number 1 and 2 spot! This got me thinking, if you can make an all-time greatest solo games list, that would be great! I wonder how many of these would make your list.

    I looove massive thematic games like KDM and ATO solo, Oathsworn as well but I'm playing through it with my wife. And I always get excited when I see KDM mentioned. Can't wait for Gamblers Chest!!

    I'm now quite interested in some of the other games I haven't played that you mentioned.

    Middara is probably my grail game. Unfortunately they don't ship to my country (South Africa), which is unfortunate as most other games do. Even sent then a bunch of emails in the past. But it's nice seeing the game mentioned.

    My next game I'm excited for is Too Many Bones. Are you getting Unbreakable? It will be my intro in to the univers. I heard it's great solo and 2P, although it can be quite difficult.

    Anyhows, thanks again for the fun video!

  22. Good choices. Loved to see Shadows of Brimstone there.
    Would deffinately add here Oathsworn. Storyline and difference in type of combat on Encounters is great.

    1) Oathsworn
    2)Shadows of Brimstone
    3) Touch of Evil
    4) Hexplore It
    5) Descent: Journeys in the Dark
    6) Lord of the Ring: Journeys in Middle Earth
    7)Mansions of Madness
    8) Cthulhu Death May Die
    9) Batman: Gotham City Chronicles

  23. Aeons
    Hunters a.d. 2114
    Imperial Assault
    Sword and sorcery

    I guess I’m saying any of the big campaign games sitting on the shelf that can’t stay set up for weeks.

  24. So many loooong games. I don't make content, but with small kids and projects including painting – my solo time isn't infinite. 40 or 50 hours for a single campaign is what I max out at. Sure I'd like to play ATO and would given infinite time, but instead I'll put time into their Sins version and Oathsworn when it arrives.

  25. Great video! Here's my list:
    1. Gloomhaven
    2. The Edge Dawnfall
    3. Artisans of Splendent Vale
    4. Nemesis Untold Stories
    5. Hexplore It
    6. Sword and Sorcery
    7. Tainted Grail
    8. Cloudspire
    9. Burncycle
    10. Mechs vs. Minions


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