Top 10 Most Viewed Karens Who Got OWNED

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16 thoughts on “Top 10 Most Viewed Karens Who Got OWNED”

  1. The term “the customer is always right” is the reason why we have entitled people. It’s an antiquated term that needs to go away. I used to work retail and we used to have customers try to get discounts by claiming all sorts of things. Ugh.

  2. Stopped when he said he hates the effen Eagles. What a POS. I imagine he listens to some weird crap with his multi color hair like he's a HS girl. PLEASE>>> MORE OLIVIA!!!!!

  3. “The customer is always right” only ever meant that the customer’s tastes shouldn’t be criticized. Someone wants orange shag carpet? Sure, they’re paying for it. Someone wants ketchup on a steak? Why not? It never meant that any awful behavior on the part of a customer should be tolerated.

  4. Yes sir absolutely it's the grounds and the palm trees fault that you slipped and fell you totally deserve respect and retribution on them for injuring you so badly🤭🤭🤭😝😝😝

  5. "the customer is always right" is NOT a law or a set rule. It simply means, if the customer is unhappy, do what you can (within reason) to make things right. But that does not mean (for example), if a customer picks up an item priced at £200 and claims its really £100 that you have to give it to them for £100. How do these Karens not understand this ??


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