Top 10 Most Popular Warframes In Warframe The Past 2 Years!

Today in Warframe we’re going over the top 10 Warframe in the past couple of years. These numbers will be updated again for 2023 so maybe some more videos like this will be out soon enough. Below is the list of timestamps.

0:00 intro
0:42 Top 10 Warframe
2:22 Top 9 Warframe
3:55 Top 8 Warframe
5:18 Top 7 Warframe
6:44 Top 6 Warframe
8:32 Top 5 Warframe
9:29 Top 4 Warframe
11:54 Top 3 Warframe
13:36 Top 2 Warframe
14:50 Top 1 Warframe

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48 thoughts on “Top 10 Most Popular Warframes In Warframe The Past 2 Years!”

  1. Octavia/Octavia prime not in top 10 😔 she's such an easy, infinite damage scaling warframe though. Also lately i've been having tons of fun with titania prime, really enjoyable to fly around and use her Dex Pixia to shoot everything

  2. (10) Nekros Prime – I still use him to this very day. Also, highlighting a bonkers base Armor Strip that Terrify has. Terrify is a great helminth ability. I just replace that ability because my Nekros uses Overextended and Power Donation. Despoil is great at max range so anywhere you and your teammates go, as long as don't go too far, you will always desecrate corpses.

    (9) Rhino Prime – I sometimes use him for a Roar/Nourish bot. It's very nice. The unnerfed Roar gives SO MUCH MULTIPLICATIVE DAMAGE. I suspect Nourish will have similar restriction to Eclipse. Long days are gone to use Rhino for tankiness since Revenant exist. He's a good early-to-mid game Warframe that I'm not sure if Rev has similar accessibility.

    (8) Volt – Fun fact, the starter Warframe I've chosen when I started playing it was actually Volt! And then I subsumed him in the process to get Shock Trooper for other Warframes if desired.

    (7) Excalibur Umbra – I use him majority of the time in Open Worlds so he can do his thing while I control my Necramech. While his normal kit isn't really my cup of tea, the automation alone what makes Umbra incredibly useful. His AI Frame isn't that broken good either unlike Wukong.

    (6) Saryn Prime – Still popular for a good reason. REALLY good at killing hordes of enemies. Would you believe me that I don't play her often because she's too good at doing it? I wish I could play her more but other frames just hear my calling.

    (5) Volt Prime – My Eidolon Assassin as well as Sanctuary Electrolyzer. I love Volt in general, he's my starter frame after all! I also have his 4 replaced with Eclipse when killing Eidolons.

    (4) Mesa Prime – A more refined version of Saryn in my opinion. Of course, Saryn kills hordes of enemies better but I find Mesa a lot more survivable thanks to Shatter Barrier. Shatter Barrier is SO good. Peacemaker go BRRRRR.

    (3) Wisp – Of course, she's at the top 3. She has the assets for the team if you know what I mean!

    (2) Excalibur – I've only ever used Excalibur ONCE. ONCE! What a shocker that I have not gotten him until recently for MR fodder and feeding it to the Helminth. I am so ashamed. T_T

    (1) Wukong Prime – Oh boy… His 1 is STILL good it seems and his 2 just makes my Titania Prime look like I drive with a Stick Shift. His 1 kind of violate a rule of a Summoner Warframe that I wish Caliban to be with his Lethal Progeny. The rules are: 1. Every strong summoned minions must have a duration; 2. A minion without a duration must have limitations elsewhere that would otherwise automate the game. Khora's Venari is a great example of #2. Venari isn't that great and isn't groundbreaking either (Hence is why many replace the 3rd ability with Spectrorage/Spectrosiphon). You could buff Venari as an ability to give her more effective things to do that would still require player's input. Same thing with Umbra, you can't control him. You are in an Operator form. You can control the Necramech and Umbra isn't really broken strong himself. Wukong being able to use a modded weapon in your loadout with its separate health bar to maintain that has synergy with 2 and 3, nerfing its usage of ammo and marking targets isn't really enough it seems.

    Maybe my knowledge of Wukong is outdated but the fact that Monkey Prime being the most popular makes me guess if that's still the case even after the nerf Wukong received. Much so that the Steam Review got bombed which I find kind of hilarious.

  3. As a salty excal main: Exalted melees (and weapons in general) need a sweeping rework. Barring maybe baruuk and titania, the rest of the fully exalted weapons are simply outclassed by the power-crept weapons of modern warframe. They even nerfed the wave falloff of exalted blade previously, and years later, then made baruuk.
    These abilities are representative of the poor design continuity throughout the parts of the game (frames, focus, arcanes) that are meant to be evergreen.

  4. Remember, most popular =/= your exact favorite

    Popularity is also determined by average skill level. There is a reason 2 starter frames are on this list. Tons of people download warframe and then put it down forever, and only ever have Volt or Excal.

  5. When Nekros Is on the list but Khora isn't 😭 Who also has farming AND DPS + Stamina free Healing with venari+ her whip scaling with your melee's mod instead of your frame's MODS.

  6. I just turn my brain off and use Rev. if I feel like a challenge I will grab Mag or something else. But having kids and being able to pause the game go hand in hand. So Rev, solo…pause button. Amazingness.


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