Top 10 Funniest Harrison Ford Interview Moments

These Harrison Ford moments will have you in stitches! For this list, we’ll be looking at this legendary movie star’s most hysterical …


31 thoughts on “Top 10 Funniest Harrison Ford Interview Moments”

  1. Ryan Gosling totally missed an opportunity to say "My biggest regret in getting punched by Harrison Ford is that it didn't make that whip cracking sound like it does in the Indiana Jones movies."

  2. I CANT STAND JIMMY FALLON. Also he stole the drinking bit with guests from Colbert. I hate this guy with his phony laugh. Why do stars go on this idiots show is beyond me. I cant watch 1 min of this morons show with switching it off. By the way.. the Force Awaking SUCKED A**. Horrible movie.

  3. Lot of Harrison’s humor goes right over peoples heads, but once you catch on, it’s so damn hilarious 😂 he’s naturally funny. Alongside Ryan Gosling, now THATS a duo! Wish they work together again especially interviews, but naturally

    Happy he finally starred in a comedy “Shrinking” because he was TERRIFIC! In it! Not only comedy, but also the serious scenes (as per usual). He has this one great emotional scene and he did great.

    He’s incredibly entertaining in and out the screen

  4. Harrison is like Bill Murray, or Denzel, or Dave Chappelle, or David Letterman, or the late Robin Williams, or Jim Carrey, or Anthony Hopkins and Al Pacino ; they're these very singular, weirdly talented personalities and there's really never gonna be anyone like them ever again. Once they're gone, they're gone.

  5. Harrison Ford is hysterical, and his delivery is perfect. It kills me when people who don't understand his dry sense of humor think he's "mean" or "boring". Those are the people who think bodily function sounds and references are funny.

  6. I've always loved Harrison's appearances on Conan's shows. He seems to be the most comfortable and have the most fun with Conan. He's apparently set to be on Conan's podcast soon, I can't wait

  7. I love actors like Ford and Reynolds because they care the least about offending their fanbase, this day in age everyone is so terrified of offending people that most actors have taken on this sickeningly sincere tone that has always felt so fabricated to me. I'd much rather be slightly offended than lied to 24/7.


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