Top 10 Digimon MODE CHANGES!

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Digimon Mode Changes, a really exciting and fun part of the franchise! Which Digimon Mode Change tops MY personal Top 10?

Edited by BryceIsRight:

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00:00 – Intro
00:27 – Express VPN #ad
02:11 – Number 10
03:41 – Number 9
04:24 – Number 8
05:22 – Number 7
06:27 – Number 6
07:19 – Number 5
09:10 – Number 4
10:06 – Number 3
10:56 – Number 2
11:50 – Number 1

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50 thoughts on “Top 10 Digimon MODE CHANGES!”

  1. HAPPY SUNDAY, NOTIFICATION SQUAAAAAAAAAAD? You are notification squad, right? Subscribed and rang the bell, right? Good, cause all the cool people are! 😉
    Hope you enjoy this video, was a ton of fun to think of my faves!

  2. Imagine getting Be memories for the various types of Mode changes. Would be cool to see them act as sort of like factions and would help kinda new fans like me to understand the differences (maybe) between each different mode changes?

  3. Imperialdramon Paladin Mode's sword kind of fascinates me, because its the opposite of Omnimon's. Where Omnimon's says ALL DELETE on it, and Zwart version's says TERMINATION, and Omnimon X-Antibody's signature skill is named the same as the sword writing, and is in-fact basically meant to be an instant-delete move..

    ImperialdramonPM's Omni Sword has INITIALIZE on it, and does what it says on the tin. It initializes, or resets and clears all configuration data. Which kind of puts it in perspective in its debut why Armageddemon just split back into its component Kuramon.

    But then you have to wonder.. What does that mean for any other digimon, if taken at face-value of intent? Would it reset them to Rookie, or further even? I suppose it depends on what level a given digimon starts as, as there are some cases where one gets born at a higher level than Baby/Fresh. Takato's Guilmon, for example.

    Though by that logic, would Omni Sword revert a human in the Digital World to a newborn? or..further back? Some questions probably shouldn't be answered..

  4. Speaking about Digimon Mode Changes, i'm sure the most popular one is Beelzemon Blast Mode from Tamers, how it connect with his redemption arc, not just a simple mode change. And an idea for your next video, maybe you can make a video about new Digimon group based on 12 Chinese Zodiac, 12 Constellation or 4 Chinese Perils like the Pokemon one. We have a lot of Digimon, but it's kinda weird they don't have a group for the Chinese Zodiac and Constellation

  5. i only have 2 disagreements
    1) Sagitareus mode was better for me than Alterus mode because of how he fought. I really enjoyed Adventure 2020 showing Digimon with actual martial art skill like Leomon going Karate kid on his oponentes and not just who makes a bigger boom.
    2) Crimson Mode over Blast mode all day every day. Gallantmon is far more influential in subsequent Digimon seasons aside from the worst season in Digimon and Crimson mode and Blast mode at the end of the day share a common message in tamers context in being able to take control of your inner darkness and rise above it to be the best version of your self that you can be.

  6. My main objection to your classification of apollomon whispered is that dukemon absorbs grani's data to become more powerful, whereas whispered inserted itself into apollomon just to control him and it doesn't seem to be any more powerful

  7. Finally another Top 10 Video. To be honest i disslike these Videos with Fanmade Designs for Digimon. Nothing against these Videos but i watch more Top 10s, Lore, Trivia, any Infomatic Materials about Digimon.

  8. Headcanon: Lucemon FM being officially a mode change, to me signifies that Lucemon has a natural line that is good. Lucemon FM is a mode change from Lucemon, because his dark side is stronger than his good side which is why FM is described as an ultimate, and also why his appearance is half good and half evil. Satan Mode however, I think is his full evil potential. The characters didn't have a name for his other evolutions because he never technically digivolved into his good evos, so to those around him, they are all still Lucemon. My theory anyway!

  9. I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not but I have never understood what a mode change even is. The show treats it like it's just another evolution except the Digimon keeps the same name rather than changing it which makes me think the writers were just getting lazy coming up with new names all the time and introduced mode changes just so they wouldn't have to name every new evolution. The weirdest ones to me are the recent Agumon bond of Courage and Gabumon bond of Friendship which are clearly totally different more powerful Digimon, I think they're actually Mega level or something beyond that but they keep the names of their rookies? WTF?

    Digimon Fusion also really dropped the ball with that where every evolution is just called Shoutmon until you get to OmegaShoutmon then they actually give him a new name but every other evolution is just treated like a mode change rather than a DNA evolution like in Adventure.

    Don't get me wrong I do like a lot of the designs especially when a mode change significantly changes something fundamental about the Digimon. But it's for that same reason that I also think they should be treated as their own evolution rather than a simple mode change.

    The only things I would actually be OK with calling a "Mode change" are versions of Digimon that don't actually change that much from the base version. Blast modes are just kind of the regular Digimon but with an energy aura around them, it's not enough of a change for me to see that as it's own thing that should have a unique name so I'm OK with those being a mode change. Good and Evil variants of the same Digimon like Churubimon Vaccine and Virus I'm fine with because it's mostly a color difference, it still feels like the same Digimon just purified. Imperialdramon Dragon and Fighter mode feel like 2 different Digimon, there are obviously elements of Dragon mode in the Fighter mode design but going from a more beast looking Digimon to a more humanoid one and calling that a mode change rather than an evolution just feels wrong to me.

    Personally my favorite mode change which you didn't even mention in this video is Justimon. He's a Digimon specifically designed with 3 different modes depending on what arm he's using as part of that Digimon's gimmick and unlike other Digimon he doesn't have a specific animation sequence applied to him that makes it look like an evolution every time he swaps arms, it's just a thing he can do without needing a whole recycled animation clip to do it.

  10. No, Karn, I think in this specific case, it IS an objective fact that Beelzemon Blast Mode is the best mode change.
    Everything from the concept of a demon seeking redemption being given literal angel wings out of love and sheer determination to atone for his sins, the way his toy gun becomes a HUGE blaster, hell, the way we SEE every change happening, the eye change, sprouting said wings, the badass music…but specially, the way the digivolution music starts and we see Impmon charging into battle and suddenly his foot becomes Beelzemon's boot…ufff, 100/10 moment, that's a core memory getting made.
    The moment he used the Fist of the Beast King was also a MASTERPIECE.

  11. I knew you were gonna throw that particular mode at number one because I still remember the moment when Impmon reunited with his tamers, I still remember when he got his wings and his giant gun and I still remember when he tried to save Jerry and cried out that hes trying to save her all of that really does scream digimon. Like it resonated with me in such a huge level despite the fact that he was initially an annoying brat but then it all goes full circle and he becum's a good strong digimon partner. But yeah all of the other ones you picked are all really fantastic choices though I am a huge sucker for shrine maidens and Fox girls lol. There's just something about that combination that just works way too g**** well but awesome job Karn!

  12. Here's a fun little digimon tamers fact for you. In the run away locomon movie is the only time guilmon uses his rock breaker attack. Also the only time gallantmon crimson mode gets named.

  13. One thing I feel was a missed opportunity, in Digimon Survive, one of the wild Digimon can digivolve to sakuyamon priestess mode but main story renamon who's partner is a shrine maiden doesn't get the mode change.

  14. Damn it I actually teared up remembering Impmons whole deal back in Tamers when you started talking about it. That story sunk in deeper then I thought.


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