Too Many Bad Teams in the NFL?

Too Many Bad Teams in the NFL?. The Commanders & Bears put up another dismal Thursday Night Football performance. Ron Rivera lost is defending Carson Wentz. Another lawsuit has been field against Deshaun Watson. Everyone just wants to watch the Bills & Chiefs. Tom Grossi & Brandon Perna of ThatsGoodSports discuss all the NFL news. GPS The Grossi Perna Show.

Tom’s Tea Bags:

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Tom Grossi:


46 thoughts on “Too Many Bad Teams in the NFL?”

  1. It’s kinda weird that u guys are ignoring all the Tua updates. I have a feeling you’re gonna “act shocked” when he starts against Pittsburgh next week and make a big deal out of it. Typical media garbage

  2. Make a NFL team in Canada. This would cause the CFL to change its rules to align with the NFL so it would be like feeder teams then its own Division and give Canadians a really chance in the NFL from a young age . This would giving more talent to pick from for all the teams. Then Canadian Colleges would adapt NFL rules then they could be drafted as well giving a much wider pool of talent and overall increasing the size of the NFL. Considering how close Canada is anyways it seems like a logical choice. It would benefit both countries significantly.

  3. Lowest scoring season in a long time. Defenses have adjusted. Get ready for emphasized defensive penalties and rule adjustments next year to compensate…….. again

    Broncos Colts was 100% a worse game

  4. Damn i hope Tom do not make Shorts a thing , I will miss some good stuff, but you-tube shorts is the devil …the devil i say 🙂 And i hate that you can´t block them on PC , on phones you can apparently. But i am old and my phone is a phone period ,,,get off my lawn.

  5. That was painful humiliating and soul crushing to watch my team, the flagship franchise get curbstomp by the Washington Commanders ( Redskins ). I'd say more but I've cussed myself hoarse.

  6. Has to be some sort of nepotism at consider “big cat” as a journalist is a joke. I know journalist students in high school that can research and write better material

  7. Thursday football is weeery weery baaad. Also being from Seattle, I love that Perna is shocked how crappy Wilson is. Nobody watched the films and also bought into that narrative that the 400 sacks were all about the offensive line. Not many lines can hold up against good defenses when they have to hold blocks for 20 minutes before the ball leaves hand. You got a QB that getting old quick, and suckered you with the Brady play forever line. Brady is on PED's and has the money for the good scientists to hide it. OR THEY DONT TEST HIM.

  8. Just looked at the Saints schedule and see them ending up 5-12. That will give the Eagles a top ten, possibly top 5 pick. I wonder how much Roseman will fleece a QB needy team for this? I'm hoping for an established high calibre DB and next year's first and second round picks. And throw in a third round pick this year. It could end up in a bidding war. Tasty.

  9. Oh man I thought Tom was going to teleport through his cam into your room perna reach down your throat grab the inside of your sack and pull it inside out I'm back through your mouth the moment you said the Vikings were perfect LOL I mean I saw in his eyes he telepathically told me what he was about to do but then Tom realized that he has a dog with leaky anal glands that he must take care of first


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