Tomb of Qualopec | Tomb Raider: Anniversary

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13 thoughts on “Tomb of Qualopec | Tomb Raider: Anniversary”

  1. I loved the original game and Anniversary. I've heard things like it strays far too much from the original game but I enjoyed the realism, like this is what I'd imagine the natural deterioration over time would do to this tomb although I do believe a river and waterfall above it would have caused more water damage but suspended disbelief lol great playthough 😁 looking forward to St Francis Folly

  2. Well done on completing the Peru section Maegiee. Now onto Greece which I find nostalgic and I do love how they did this section apart from the last level when they merged Cistern and Tomb of Tihocan. Also love the cutscenes and I think Keeley Hawes who voices Lara in this game and also Legend and Underworld does a great job of recreating some of the original lines like “Oh Pierre, you litter bug”. Really enjoying your play through. Can’t wait for Greece 😊

  3. Hello! When you hang on those sticks ( I hope it makes sense, english is not my first language) you don't have to position Lara in order to jump 'cause it' s way more tricky like this. Just put the camera towords the direction you want her to jump, then press forword and jump, no matter her position. This is more precise!

  4. YT ate my comment and I can't remember most of it 🙁
    One thing I do remember is that there was a sequence in TR1 that is similar to this game when Lara gets one piece of the Scion, the graphics are so different that the places don't look the same, the puzzles and general map layout are also different so it's hard to spot the similarities.

  5. Great job with this level! It was one of my favourites in the original and I've always loved how it translated in Anniversary. I'm looking forward to the next section as well. It has some fantastic levels!

  6. Woo! On to Greece 🎉

    And I agree with you on TR4 & 6. Those games can be kind of stressful due to either enemies that are either too complex or badly explained or gameplay that can be a bit too ambitious for the old school controls.

    It’s why TR1 – 3 & 5 I think nailed it. That said the Legend trilogy I think is the perfect middle ground to both the classics and the rebooted trilogy 🔥


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