'To the Silence' by Momotenko, premiered by Mo. Gruppman and MOYSA (GR)

‘To the Silence’ for string orchestra, a consolation piece about victims of the war in Ukraine.

Its composed for the inaugural edition of the ‘First Chair Academy’ and its co-founder Mo. Igor Gruppman, former concertmaster of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, a great professor and violin master with Ukrainian routes.

The theme of this work is dwelling on the horrors of ruthless war, written in style ‘Trauermusik’ and presented in two parts: ‘Face of Tragedy’ and ‘Face of Hope’. The work expands from an utterly swallowing dark mood to all-shining heavenly light.
Despite the melancholy theme, this composition encompasses much lyricism, elegance and, above all, radiates hope for peace. This creation also features some original composed melodies based on Ukrainian musical beauty, elegantly interwoven with elements of Western European tradition and cast in a contemporary form.

The video exposes the world premiere at the inaugural edition of ‘The First Chair Academy’ in Thessaloniki (GR) by MOYSA – Megaro Youth Symphony Orchestra guided by Mo. Gruppman.




Used with permission of MOYSA and Gruppman Institute.

copyright (c) 2023 by the First Chair Academy and Alfred Momotenko-Levitsky


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